So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 709: A family of three (two)

She just promised Ji Chicheng that she would take care of Ji Mingyue.

Seeing that she wasn't leaving, Char stopped looking at her. He glanced at several servants in the house who were cleaning, and said, "Drag her out."

The servants did not dare to neglect his orders for a moment, and immediately got up. Several people divided the work, grabbed Ji Anning's arm, hugged her body, and dragged her out of the door.

Ji Anning struggled desperately, her scared voice almost lost her voice, "Mr. Char, Mr. Char."

Char ignored her and gave her a cold-eyed, cold gaze towards Ji Mingyue.

Ji Anning was dragged to the door, grabbed the door frame with both hands, but was dragged out without struggling for a moment.

She was released after the door was closed, but the door was strictly guarded by a few people, and she had no chance to approach it.

"Go away, you demon, old demon."

Inside the house, there was Ji Mingyue's roar, she was struggling and resisting.

Ji Anning was anxious and didn't know what to do. She couldn't get in at the door. She hurried downstairs and ran out of the door. Now this season, country Y is also cold. She wears thin clothes. In the cold wind, she trembled with fright. The body trembled more severely.

She ran to the position facing Ji Mingyue’s room and looked up at it. This is a European-style building. The house is much taller than the Chinese style. Moreover, the Chaer’s building is super anti-theft, so she must not be afraid of going up. .


Ji Mingyue's heart-piercing cry floated from the second floor window, Ji Anning was helpless, his face was pale, and he was spinning around with his bare feet.

"I am willing, I am willing to marry you for my sister-in-law."

The voice behind was obviously much weaker, she put down her hands, lowered her eyes, and lowered her head. There was a murmur in her mouth: "I will marry you for Ji Mingyue."

"Have you figured it out?"

Char's voice came from the second floor.

He leaned on the window frame with one hand and looked down at Ji Anning who was standing downstairs. His deep blue eyes were still full of murderous aura.

Ji Anning did not look up at him, but nodded, "Yes, I will marry you for her, you... let her go."

"it is good."

Char's mouth hooked triumphantly, then she turned around and entered the room.

Ji Anning also hurried into the house and went upstairs. The servants had just cleaned the room and were evacuating one by one. Standing at the door, Ji Anning saw Ji Mingyue lying there untidy, staring at the ceiling with unblinking eyes.

The face is like ashes.

She opened her mouth, walked over tremblingly, and approached her, "Sister."

"Go away, I don't want to see you." Ji Mingyue's eyes moved, and she looked at Ji Anning with cold eyes, teardrops still hanging in the corners of her eyes.

There are hickeys all over her neck.

Ji Anning pursed her lips, slowly bent over and squatted down, reaching for Ji Mingyue’s collar, helping her to pull up her clothes, her hand resting on her chest, gently patting her to comfort her, "It's okay, it's okay."

Ji Mingyue stared at her coldly, "Ji Anning, why are you marrying Char for me, what are you?"

Ji Anning said: "Char... Char wants to use you to deal with the Ji family."


Ji Mingyue snorted coldly, "Then I am willing, better than you and Ji Chicheng occupying Ji's house."

She now believes that she and Ji Chicheng are her father-killing enemies. She doesn't justify this because she doesn't explain it at all, even she herself sometimes thinks so.