So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 704: A chance encounter with an deceased (2)

Before Yao Yiyang could speak back to her, Char suddenly put his arm around her shoulder and said to her: "I'm about to introduce to you. This is from the "color" company I just founded. technical director."

As he said, he looked at Yao Yiyang, then smiled slightly and said, "I don't need to introduce your names to you."

Yao Yiyang pressed his lips, smiled back at Char, and looked at Ji Anning again. The corners of his lips couldn't help but tighten again.

When the two were in T, they were not familiar with each other, so they met by chance now, and there was no topic to talk about. After the chat continued, the atmosphere became silent.

At this time, Char was dragged by another group of people to chat. Ji Anning and Yao Yiyang were leaning on the table with a pile of champagne. Ji Anning also had a glass of champagne in his hand and did not drink it, just for Line up such occasions.

"You have made peace in the past two years..."

"You are now with..."

After being silent for a while, Ji Anning and Yao Yiyang suddenly turned their heads and looked at each other in a tacit understanding. They were about to ask something, but their voices hit a piece and they both stopped again.

Ji Anning laughed. She felt that the question they were asking should be related to the same person, so she was not modest, and then asked: "Have you contacted Yuanyuan in the past two years?"

"No." Yao Yiyang shook his head, pursing a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly he raised his head again, "However, I know she is doing pretty well now."

Ji Anning looked up at him slightly, and looked at the gentle smile at the corner of his mouth, gradually feeling helpless.

She also pressed the corners of her mouth tightly, and smiled: "I think so too, she has a cheerful personality."

Sometimes, it's not that you worked hard, you paid, and what you want will come.

Especially for things like love, she feels that the time and place are right and the people are right, but nothing will work.

"Are you not in touch with her now?" Yao Yiyang suddenly asked Ji Anning.

Ji Anning nodded, "Well, I haven't contacted for two or three years."

Then she looked at Yao Yiyang and asked, "Is she still in the sea market now?"

"No." Yao Yiyang shook his head. "After graduating from college, she went to teach in the countryside, that person's hometown."

That person...that traffic policeman?

Ji Anning's heart hurts for Jin Yuanyuan. She still hasn't let go of that traffic policeman's first love?

Yao Yiyang's voice rang around her again, "She is thinner than before, probably a little bit fatter and darker than you are now."

Everyone is like this. When talking about people they like, they will always bring some yearning and some memories. Yao Yiyang's face shows a little bit of love or tenderness.

Ji Anning stared at him, hesitated for a while, then deliberatedly asked the doubts in his heart, "You... why don't you go to her?"

He seems to have been learning about Jin Yuanyuan's life, but for three years, if he really likes it, why not find her?

"You don't have to be like her, this is good." Yao Yiyang replied lightly.

Very chic and casual.

Indifferent to Ji Anning's puzzlement, her gaze couldn't help looking into the distance. The man surrounded by a group of young people, he was so young and outstanding, but he was exceptionally outstanding among a group of people of the same age.

You don’t have to be like her, it’s good...

She suddenly understood that when she still had a crush on him and was not together, at least her heart was still sweet, with a little yearning, little fantasy, and little expectation.