So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 705: A chance encounter with an deceased (3)

She did not speak, tilted her neck, listened to the beautiful piano music played by the pianist, and watched the handsome man in the distance.

"Mr. Ji once liked every comment that cursed Yuanyuan under my post."

Yao Yiyang on the side suddenly said again.

"Eh?" Ji Anning turned his head and blinked at Yao Yiyang in surprise, "How do you know?"

In my memory, there is no conflict between Xiaoshu and Yuanyuan? Why did the uncle give a thumbs up to the comment that scolded Yuanyuan?

And he... how he looks, he doesn't look like such a boring person.

"IP." Yao Yiyang smiled and looked in the direction of Ji Chicheng. "He didn't even think about hiding it."

Ji Anning: "..."

It didn't look like Yao Yiyang was lying, and he didn't need to make this rumor. Then she was puzzled, "Why does he point out the comment?"

Yao Yiyang shrugged, indicating that he didn't know either.

At this moment, Char and the group of people finished talking, came over with champagne, and smiled while walking while looking at Ji Anning and Yao Yiyang and said: "I suddenly remembered that you once studied in a university and knew each other. Not surprising."

Sure enough, he had gone to learn about her past, probably after contacting her.

Ji Anning thought in her heart for a while, when Char was about to reach her, she suddenly straightened up and said to him blankly: "Mr. Char, I'll go to the bathroom."

As she said, she reached out and touched the champagne glass in her hand with Charles's glass, then raised her head to drink the champagne in the glass, put down the glass, turned around and carried the skirt, and walked out of the banquet hall.


"Boss, Mr. Char is there."

I met a few acquaintances, the big names in this industry, Ji Chicheng was dragged, quietly listening to them pretending to be forced, the assistant leaned to his ear, pointed his hand in the direction of Char, and whispered to him.

Ji Chicheng looked over immediately, and Char, in a dark gray suit, leaned on the corner of the table, chatting with a young man beside him.

And the young man looked familiar. He closed his eyes and was about to walk over. Suddenly behind him came a name that attracted his attention.

"Mrs. Char."

One is that he is not accustomed to the super high heels on his feet, and the other is that he is afraid of being recognized by Ji Chicheng. Ji Anning keeps his head down and walks as fast as possible under steady circumstances.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man with blue eyes and bald face stopped in front of her and asked her to chat with him with a smile.

She raised her head and forced a smile at the other party, "I'm sorry, I'm going to the bathroom."

After saying hello, she was about to walk past the bald middle-aged man, and a familiar voice suddenly came from behind her.


Ji Chicheng looked at the familiar figure, and just raised his foot to walk over, Char suddenly walked past him, walked to Ji Anning's side, and put his arm around her shoulder naturally.

It's just a normal action, without any intimacy.

But Ji Chicheng's eyes still flashed a flame of jealousy and anger. He walked to Chaer and Ji Anning's side in twos or twos, reached out to hold Chaer's arm around Ji Anning, and pushed him away.

Then quickly clasped one of Ji Anning's wrists, leading her to walk towards the exit with strides.

The venerable Mr. Char's wife was taken away by the big boss of the beautiful city under all eyes, and the whole banquet hall immediately boiled over.