So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 703: A chance encounter with an deceased (1)

"I will not admit my mistake, I saw him at an exchange meeting in country M."

Ji Anning's back froze, her small face with delicate makeup, slightly pale, he... why did he come?

Did Char deliberately?

Thinking, she turned her head to look at Char, just to catch the surprise that flashed quickly on Char's face. It seems that he didn't know that his uncle would come. Is it really a coincidence?

However, she just saw the theme of this event at the door, the IT electronics industry knowledge exchange meeting. It is normal for him to be invited at the top of IT.

The big boss of Belleville, the founder of

He is so good, good so low-key, before that, she didn't know that the game website that has spread all over the world, is his.

How much does he have that she doesn't know, doesn't understand?

"Shall we go say hello?"

Char's voice rang in her ears, with some playfulness.

Ji Anning stared at him with light eyebrows and a sneer blooming in the corner of her eyes. She said: "Mr. Char, you are so noble. If the'new lady' cuckolds you here, then tomorrow will definitely be on the global news."

Hearing the words, Char looked at Ji Anning with interest, "This is the first time I have seen you so bold and dare to talk to me like this."

Ji Anning didn't answer his words, raised her eyebrows and asked, "Didn't you mean to take me to meet some interesting people?"

"Respect what you mean."

Char did not force Ji Anning, because what Ji Anning said still captured his heart.

Even if Ji Anning didn't dare to go against his wishes on such occasions, he couldn't guarantee that Ji Chicheng would not dare, after all, he had seen Ji Chicheng want his life.

He is aloof and self-sufficient. Of course, he doesn't want his negative news to appear in tomorrow's newspapers, especially news that will embarrass him.


Char led Ji Anning to a young man who was very engaged in chatting with a middle-aged man and woman, and shouted, he stretched out his hand and patted the young man's shoulder gently.

He interrupted the other party's conversation. The young man turned around, in a black suit with a white shirt lined with a transparent goblet between his slender fingers, indescribably elegant.

The man's handsome face made Ji Anning's mouth open in surprise, "You..."

A familiar face, a familiar name is in her mind.

The man was also surprised when he saw her, he was taken aback, and then he laughed, "Ji Anning."

"Yao Yiyang?" Ji Anning finally called out Yao Yiyang's name.

I really never thought that after nearly three years, I would meet such an acquaintance in a foreign country.

Yao Yiyang looked flattered, "It's so rare that you can remember me."

In a word, Ji Anning felt that he was a lot less young than he was three years ago, and he has a lot more temperament and wit that a mature man should have.

She smiled lightly and said with a bit of joke: "Of course I remember the school grass that so many people pursue."

Seeing the two of them met, Char was also surprised. He listened to them chatting a few words and found an unobtrusive time to interject.

"It seems this world is really a coincidence."

Yao Yiyang only paid attention to Char, looked at him, and nodded a little at him, "Mr. Char."

Did he know Char?

Ji Anning was both surprised and confused, surprised Yao Yiyang knew Char, wondering why he knew Char.

She asked indirectly: "Why are you here?"