So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 702: My new lady (2)

Hearing the words, Ji Chicheng's brows condensed, making the beige that lies across the mountains and rivers across the screen tremble, and he dared not speak with his lips pressed.

Ji Chicheng's face was cold for a moment, then frowned thoughtfully, "Phyllis Technical Exchange Conference..."

Thinking of something, he looked at the computer screen, looked at Beige and asked: "Did you receive such an invitation letter last month?"

Beige nodded, "Yes, but boss you refused."

Ji Chicheng glanced at the time displayed on the lower right corner of the computer, and told Beige: "You go to make arrangements, I will be there at night."


After finishing the call, Ji Chicheng closed the dialog box, and the girl's smiling face in the sun broke into his sight on the screen, his heart was slightly shaken, staring at the girl's bright smiling eyes.

His hand stretched out uncontrollably, and his index finger traced the girl's eyebrow lightly.

My nephew...

These three words suddenly popped out of his mind, Ji Chicheng's entire body became stiff, and his fingers froze.

The heart seemed to be slapped severely by a knife, and he held his breath in pain, immediately closed the computer, then raised his head and closed his eyes.


The pink and purple one-shoulder dress, all the parts above the **** are exposed, but fortunately, there is a long black hair blocking the back, and there is a light blue diamond necklace on the chest, which is also somewhat blocked. A bit of scenery.

She hasn't worn the ten-centimeter high-heeled shoes for a long time. She is a little uncomfortable. She is holding Char's arm in one hand and the skirt with the other hand, fearing that the heel will trip over the skirt.

On the bright marble floor of the entry, high heels stepped on it and made a humming sound. Following Char, he was noticed by many people as soon as he entered the hall.

Ji Anning looked at the crowd of people in the hall. She was a little surprised. In all the activities that Char took her to, there had never been more than ten people. This time there seemed to be... hundreds of people?

"Mr. Charl hasn't seen you in a long time."

Ji Anning was surprised, a few people came over to greet Char, one by one, holding a wine glass, came to Char and asked him warmly.

After a moment of greeting, someone began to turn their attention to Ji Anning who was hiding behind Char. "This is Mrs. Char?"

"Yes, my new lady." Char's arm tightened Ji Anning's hand and smiled and introduced to the people present.

"It's more beautiful than I thought."

"Mr. Char's wife looks familiar."

Someone stared at Ji Anning’s face and felt familiar. Although Ji Anning has not participated in any Hollywood blockbusters, he has also filmed some foreign magazines and advertisements. Some people recognize her as expected.

Her eyes wandered, not looking at the person who was looking at her.

She thought, there will naturally be Char to deal with.

"You mean my wife has a popular face?" Charl frowned and looked at the speaker, making no secret of his displeasure.

The man shook his head quickly and explained, "No, no, no, Mr. Char, you misunderstood, because Madam is too beautiful."

Char scorned the man, turned his head and moved closer to Ji Anning, "I'll take you to meet some interesting people."

As he said, he glanced forward and curled his lips with interest.

At this moment, suddenly there was another noisy discussion behind him.

"Who is that young man?"

"He... he is the big boss of Belleville, Mr. Ji, the founder of L Net."

"My God, beautiful city? Are you sure you didn't recognize the wrong person?"