So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 691: We are nephew and uncle (11)

"Madam, it's already here."

The taxi driver turned his head and politely reminded Ji Anning.

Ji Anning looked out the window. The car had arrived in the lobby of the hotel. She looked at the hotel's name, and then at the hotel Qi Helian sent her. She was sure it was this one, and she pushed the door and got off.

She also booked the room herself, and it was not on the same floor as Ji Chicheng's room. She returned the luggage to the room first, and then went to knock on Ji Chicheng's door.

After knocking for a while, no one opened the door. She looked at the watch. Could she have already gone to the hospital at this time?

Ji Anning thought, as she was about to turn around and go directly to the hospital, the door she knocked on suddenly opened again, "Who are you looking for?"

The voice of a lazy woman just wakes up.

Ji Anning stiffened, and then she slowly turned around. The woman was wearing a loose nightgown, leaning on the door frame, narrowing her sleepy eyes, looking at her.

It took a long time for Ji Anning to relieve the pain in her heart, and smiled at Xin Xiaoxiao and said, "I'm here to look for them. I'll come again later."

After speaking, she turned around, speeded up and left.

Ji Anning didn't knock on Ji Chicheng's door anymore, returned to the room, dragged her luggage, and left the hotel.

It is my hometown, and I will feel cordial when I leave for many years. If I am not my hometown, I will feel strange after a few months.

Ji Anning dragged the suitcase and stood outside the gate of Char's residence, looking at the castle-like house. She lived in it for two years. After returning, she didn't even feel any kindness at all.

"Miss Niannian."

The housekeeper of Char's Mansion saw that Ji Anning had been standing at the door, walked over and took a look, recognized her, and quickly opened the courtyard door.

Ji Anning nodded slightly to the housekeeper and stepped into the yard. From the door of the yard to the door of the house, there was a small half-stop in China.

Her box was dragging on the marbled road, and there was basically no sound.

"Niannian, you came here so early, which makes me so happy."

Probably the housekeeper notified him. Before Ji Anning reached the door, Char suddenly greeted him.

She paused, and then walked forward to meet Char. She stopped and frowned at the handsome old man in front of her.

Charl laughed when she saw it, "Is it amazing, I'm going to be your little uncle."

As he said, he stretched out his hand to embrace Ji Anning's shoulders and smiled at him: "It just so happens that I am going to the hospital to see your aunt."

"Mr. Char, my grandpa and his old man are no longer there." Ji Anning stopped abruptly and said loudly to Char: "The others are no longer there. What do you want to do?"

"So in terms of my past relationship with him, how great it is that I married his daughter." Charr said for granted.

I even feel very generous.

Ji Anning knew that just asking for mercy on her own would not have any effect at all. The important thing was to see Ji Mingyue herself, so she had to see Ji Mingyue now.

So she agreed to go to the hospital with Char.


"I forgot to tell you something. Mothers have been here just now. She knocked on the wrong door and knocked on my door."

In the car, Xin Xiaoxiao answered a lot of phone calls, and finally got free, turned to look at Ji Chicheng sitting in the back seat, and told him that Ji Anning had been looking for him.

Ji Chicheng had a meal, and Xin Xiaoxiao looked at him, then smiled and said: "I was wearing **** pajamas and just woke up, and her eyes were red when she left."