So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 692: We are nephews and uncles (12)

Ji Chicheng raised his head and looked at Xin Xiaoxiao with a mischievous smile on his face. There was an irritation in his heart. He clenched his fists and pressed it down.

The lips were still pressed hard, without moving.

"I don't know where my father learned about your sister's marriage. I really don't like L City. I think the people here are not as good-looking as our country, especially the handsome guys."

Xin Xiaoxiao looked very critically at the scenery and people on the streets of L City.

Suddenly she turned her head to look at Ji Chicheng again, and smiled wickedly at him, "For example, you, Shao Ji, I still like you, a man who looks thin and undressed."

Speaking, she leaned against the back of the seat, and flirted with Ji Chicheng softly and charmingly, "Don't let us sleep in the same room tonight, save money."

This was the first time Ji Chicheng was molested by a woman, and it was also the first time a woman dared to molest him.

The veins on his forehead were about to burst.

The more angry he is, the more smug Xin Xiaoxiao smiles, "I understand, I understand, you guys have ascetic faces, but when you get to bed, your desire is stronger than anyone else."

They were still in the car, Ji Chicheng couldn't bear it, and said coldly, "Is it enough?"

The bulging veins on the back of his hand were faintly beating.

Xin Xiaoxiao stuck his tongue out at him, "It's really boring."

But she also closed her mouth wisely, because Ji Chicheng's face was really horrible to cold.

Ji Chicheng didn't look at Xin Xiaoxiao again, but looked out of the car window. The General Hospital of the L City Military Region in front of him could already be vaguely seen, awe-inspiring.

The General Hospital of the Military Region in City L is almost a dedicated hospital for the Chaer family, and all the departments in it are among the best in country Y.

Ji Chicheng didn't want to come, but they were born in this hospital. All the files have stubs here. He also wants to take away those files this time.

Completely cut off from here.


No matter which country it is in, the hospital is always full of the smell of disinfectant water. The ward area of ​​the senior cadres' family members is very quiet, and even the ground seems to be cleaner than other areas.

Ji Anning followed Char to the door of the ward, feeling a little nervous. She still doesn't fully understand how serious Ji Mingyue was injured at the time.

It's been almost a month, and she's still in the hospital. It must be more serious than Char told her.

Char pushed the door in. Ji Anning's footsteps stopped at the door. Char looked back at her, smiled at her, and then he walked into the ward again.

"Miss Si, guess who I brought to see you."

After recuperating for almost a month, Ji Mingyue can already sit up by herself, but can't walk on the ground with her legs.

Seeing Char coming, a flash of hatred flashed in Ji Mingyue's eyes. She ignored Char's words and cast her cold eyes directly at the door of the ward.

Ji Anning appeared. Ji Mingyue saw that her face suddenly changed. She casually touched the pillow next to her and smashed Ji Anning fiercely, "Ji Anning, do you dare to come?"

Seeing the pillow flying, Ji Anning instinctively turned her head to avoid it, and then she looked pale at Ji Mingyue, who was out of control, "Sister."

"Don't tell me, get out of here." Ji Mingyue pressed her hands on the edge of the bed, wishing to go to Ji Anning immediately and tear her up.

Ji Anning stared, wondering why Ji Mingyue was so excited when she saw her.

Is it also to blame her for introducing Char to her at the beginning?