So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 690: We are nephew and uncle (ten)

She continued to move forward, and Yang Yufang suddenly rushed to her and hugged her, "Anning, it's mother's fault, you forgive mother, and go home with mother."

In the distance, the man in a straight suit stood outside the car door, watching the scene of Ji Anning being entangled by Yang Yufang with his eyes closed. He endured his steps and finally turned around and got into the car again.

The entourage with him looked at him puzzledly, "Little Master."

"Go back." Ji Chicheng leaned on the back seat, replied faintly, and then he ordered: "Just tell her on the phone."

‘Ding Dong’

In the afternoon, Ji Anning drank a cup of coffee, a little sleepy, and suddenly the doorbell rang.

Who will be looking for her at this time? Ji Anning frowned, glanced at the door, and then the doorbell rang again. She went down to the ground, walked to the door, and looked outside through the cat's eyes. Is it J.C's legal counsel, Lawyer Liu?

She was surprised and puzzled. Why did Lawyer Liu come to her?

While wondering, he opened the door.

"Miss Anning." Attorney Liu saw Ji Anning and said hello politely.

Ji Anning nodded, glanced at the big briefcase that Lawyer Liu was holding, and went to the Palace of the Three Treasures for everything. It must be something to find her.

She opened the door, "Come in."

"Miss Anning, this is the property left to you by the chairman during his lifetime. Huayuan Island and Ji's house now live in. If there are no problems, please sign it."

Attorney Liu took advantage of Ji Anning's pouring of water and found a pile of documents from his briefcase.

The property the father left to her?

Ji Anning looked at the pile of files on the desktop in surprise, "What?"

Li Nianjia.

The first one is a will. Ji Anning saw the three words'Li Nianjia' in the will, and it was in the name of his grandson-in-law.

She looked at Lawyer Liu in surprise.

Lawyer Liu said: "These are the long-standing properties of the Ji family. The chairman gave you. In addition, the rest of the real estate of the Ji family is given to the eldest lady. 32% of the shares are given to Mingyue. Miss."

"What?" Ji Anning stared, opening his mouth in disbelief, "You mean grandpa gave 32% of the shares to my sister-in-law?"

Lawyer Liu nodded, "Yes, it turns out that the chairman re-made his will two months before his death and put it in the safe of the bank. The key was handed over to the young master, so I knew this too."

As he spoke, he sighed very distressedly, "But Miss Mingyue is about to marry."

Yes, 32% of the shares. That is the purpose of Char's marrying his aunt. That's right, the mystery is finally solved.

Why does he hate grandpa so much? Now that Grandpa is dead, he will not let it go.

So Grandpa never thought that besides Ji Chicheng, Ji Mingyue, the only reliable person in this family, would walk with his enemy Char.

No wonder my uncle is indifferent to Ji Jingfeng, it turns out that his biggest enemy now is Char.

No, I must not let Char succeed, Ji Anning thought, and quickly asked Lawyer Liu: "Lawyer Liu, where is my uncle now?"

Lawyer Liu said: "He took Miss Lun to country Y to review her eyes. He only left last night."

It was indeed the time to double-check her eyes. She was about to go to Ji Chicheng in these two days to discuss with him about taking them to Country Y.

Unexpectedly, he had already gone.


Ji Anning was exhausted during the flight for more than ten hours. She squinted in the car and woke up as soon as the car stopped.