So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 679: Who donated the cornea? (four)

Qi Helian had a black face, "No big or small."


The large house with three bedrooms and one living room is on the seaside, and the decoration is simple and atmospheric. After Ji Anning looked at it, she felt that the house was a bit too big, but the balcony faced the sea, which she liked very much.

So I can't put it down.

Finally, at Qi Helian's instigation, she agreed, but the ID card and household registration were in Ji Chicheng's apartment, and she did not bring her bag when she went out that day.

You have to get it before you can sign the rental contract.

In the evening, news broke on major websites that she and Qi Helian were looking at the house together, saying that they were visiting the wedding house.

She glanced at all the content of the news. Anyway, it was all sorts of jokes, all sorts of chasing shadows. She watched a lot, and now she is used to it.

Qi Helian sent her back to the apartment and told her to have a good rest, but she hadn't seen them for many days, and the assistant hadn't contacted her these days, she was very worried.

So after Qi Helian left, she took a taxi to Ji Chicheng's apartment.

Ji Chicheng’s apartment is well managed in the community. When he entered the gate, Ji Anning followed people in the same community.

When she went out, she didn't even bring the access card, and she couldn't operate it when she entered the elevator.

She just waited at the door, and when someone came, they went up to the sixteenth floor, and she followed up to the sixteenth floor.

The body itself has not fully recovered. It took her nearly two hours to climb to the 43rd floor. When she supported the wall and walked out of the stairs and saw the familiar door, her heart suddenly cooled to the bottom of her feet. .

She turned around, leaned her head against the wall, squatted down the wall, and sat on the ground.

He changed the locks, but he changed them all.

She was so desperate that she couldn't even shed tears, but it took a long, long time for her to relieve the pain.

She continued to support the wall and climbed up, staggering towards the familiar door. Instead of trying her fingerprint and the password of her memory, she reached out and pressed the doorbell.

Over and over again, no one came to open the door for her, and there was no response.

Don't they live in it now?

Ji Anning frowned and knocked on the door a few times with her fist in her hand. Still no one responded to her. She walked to the passageway and glanced at the window. There was no light in the room.

No one at home.

Where will he take them? Ji's family?

Thinking about it, she decided to go to Ji's house again. Fortunately, she didn't have to swipe the access card when she went downstairs to the elevator.

The road was frozen at night, and the car drove very slowly. The taxi was the same. When we arrived at Ji’s house, Ji’s house happened to be having dinner. It was supposed to be lively on the second day of the Lunar New Year. Because the old man passed away, the atmosphere became very heavy and depressed.

Ji Anning stepped into the door, not even a trace of popularity.

"Miss Anning is back."

Seeing Ji Anning, the old housekeeper was a little at a loss, and said hello to Ji Anning. He immediately shouted in the direction of the restaurant: "Madam, Miss Anning is back."

The people in the restaurant heard the housekeeper's shout and ran out.

In the crowd, Ji Anning saw a figure who had disappeared in this home for a long time, Yang Yufang.


Yang Yufang came out of the dining room and saw Ji Anning at a glance. He speeded up with excitement, came to her and hugged her, "Anning, you are back."

"Let go of me." Ji Anning looked down, looking at her coldly.