So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 678: Who donated the cornea? (three)

Not long after a red wait, I met a red light again, and there was a long line.

When she stopped the car, Qi Helian turned her head to look at Ji Anning in the driver's seat. She looked out the window, not knowing what she was thinking or feeling melancholy, like Liushen Wuzhu.

He interrupted her thoughts, "Whose song do you like to listen to?"

While asking, use the phone to find songs.

"Whatever." Ji Anning faintly returned to Qi Helian, then turned to look outside the car window.

The beautiful violin music sounded in the carriage, digging into the ears, making people feel soothed and relaxed.

Ji Anning tilted his neck and put his head on the window glass, listening intently when the music suddenly changed.

It became Qi Helian's cell phone ringtone, and it was played in the speaker. Not only Ji Anning, but Qi Helian was also taken aback, and he just answered it.

His mobile phone is also connected to the car stereo via Bluetooth.

Ms. Qi Xiaoxiao's voice came from the speaker, "Baby, are you with An Ning?"

"Have you not boarded the plane yet?"

The red light jumped to the green light. Qi Helian started the car and slowly followed the waiting cars. There were too many cars. He concentrated on looking ahead, so he turned on the speaker to talk to Ms. Qi.

"I'm already on the plane." Qi Xiaoxiao said back to Qi Helian, and then continued: "I told you, I ran into the peaceful uncle Chicheng at the airport just now, and he said if you want their home Anning requires a golden name as a bride price."

Ms. Qi Xiaoxiao's voice came out under the influence, and when Qi Helian turned off the speaker, she had already finished speaking.

Qi Helian glanced at Ji Anning instinctively. Her head was still on the car window, her eyes closed, and a self-deprecating smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

She seemed to know that Qi Helian was looking at her, she moved her lips, and laughed at herself: "He really looks at me very highly. I am the only one, so why is a golden name."

Qi Helian listened to her self-deprecating, his heart tightened, almost without passing through the brain, a word "value" blurted out.

Before that, he had never compared her to anything and characters.

Now this question was suddenly thrown in front of him, and he suddenly felt that, except for what she thought, everything became less important.

He was extremely surprised, looking at Ji Anning, since when, she was in his heart, so... so important?

The contact between them is few and far between, and what she remembered most of him was the one many years ago...

Ji Anning was also taken aback by Qi Helian's unhesitating "value", and looked at her blankly.

When Qi Helian reacted, the atmosphere suddenly became awkward. His white cheeks were blushing. This was the first time he was so shy in front of the opposite sex.

He turned his head, looked forward, and stared at Ji Anning from the corner of the light. She continued to look out of the car window. He pursed his lips and pondered for a while before finally speaking, "He knows that Jin Ming is my dad. It’s created for my mother, it’s impossible to give it to anyone."

As he said, he turned his head to look at Ji Anning, and added: "The way he expresses his mind is always so convoluted, I'm used to it."

Upon hearing this, Ji Anning suddenly turned her head and smiled and looked at him, "Your way of comforting people is also very convoluted."

Qi He was stunned for a moment, and when he reacted, he also laughed.

His eyebrows were crooked with a smile, Ji Anning looked at and joked: "Shao Qi, you smile so beautifully."