So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 680: Who donated the cornea? (Fives)

Lin Yanqin, who came out together, saw it, looked at Yang Yufang, gloating, and said: "Yang Yufang, I don’t think it’s hard to think of it. You hurt people from childhood to big, but you hurt a wolf with white eyes. The white-eyed wolf enters the door of Ji's house again."

Speaking of the back, she gritted her teeth fiercely.

Yang Yufang turned around and sneered back to Lin Yanqin, "Lin Yanqin, you figure out the situation. Now this family, Jing Feng is in charge, and 32% of J.C.'s shares are still in our tranquility."

At this moment, she is no longer the Yang Yufang who can entertain and bully even juniors.

She was completely on the same level as Lin Yanqin, who was born in a famous family, not... even better than her.

She said that she stretched out her hand to embrace Ji Anning's arm, raised her chin and looked at Lin Yanqin triumphantly, declaring that her sovereignty was general.

Lin Yanqin dismissed what she said to her, "Yang Yufang, you figure out the situation. The shares are in Ji Anning. Ji Anning is just an outsider who has no blood relationship with the Ji family. Everyone will become the Qi family now. My daughter-in-law, I really don’t know where your superiority comes from."

Saying that she stared at Yang Yufang again, snorted coldly, and mocked: "No matter how bad I am, and my family is backing, what do you have? Your son's nameless JC president, Ji Chicheng can push him off the stage without any effort. , You'd better contact those old customers who have had a relationship with you before."

Hearing this, Ji Anning clenched his fist tightly with his hand on his leg.

Obviously don't care, obviously don't care.

Why did she care about her past and future? She held her breath and adjusted for a while, then pulled out the arm held by Yang Yufang.

Turning to look at the housekeeper standing at the door, "Is my uncle not at home?"

The butler replied: "Little Young Master left early in the morning, and explained that it would take two days to come back."

Ji Anning heard the words, and then asked: "Will you bring them together?"

The butler shook his head and said: "I don't know, I haven't seen Miss Dian."

Didn't see it? Does it mean that they are not in Ji's house?

So where did he take the lot? Isn't it... Is it not going to let her see one after another?

Ji Anning thought, getting nervous, she quickly took out her mobile phone from her pocket and entered Ji Chicheng's number to dial out, but the response she got was to shut down.

At this moment, a strong light came in through the window, and a car came back. Ji Anning ran out excitedly, and a touch of disappointment flashed across her face when she saw the black car slowly stopping.

It's not him, it's not that he came back, where did he take one after another.

"Is the young master at home?"

Ji Anning was desperate, and Dr. Zhang got down from the black car. He rushed in and asked Ji Chicheng.

"Doctor Zhang, what's the matter?"

Except for Ji Anning, the only people in this family who are nervous about Ji Chicheng are the elderly servants who have watched Ji Chicheng grow up.

The old housekeeper looked at Doctor Zhang nervously and asked.

"Successive eyes suddenly became uncomfortable. The doctor said that the gauze might have to be removed for inspection in advance." Doctor Zhang said, looking at Ji Anning.

"What?" Ji Anning's face turned pale, and the phone in her hand fell to the ground. She rushed to the front of Doctor Zhang in twos or twos, and nervously grabbed his arm and asked: "What did you say, Doctor Zhang? Why do you have to remove your eyes gauze?"

(I’m sorry, because of various reasons yesterday, I didn’t update it in the evening. Three of these five chapters were from yesterday, one is a supplementary guarantee, and two chapters are added. Today I still owe six chapters. I will try to update eight chapters. The number one in the new book list can no longer be kept, but if you have a monthly pass, please continue to vote for Brother Yang, otherwise it would be a shame that the monthly pass will be cleared.)