So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 677: Who donated the cornea? (two)

"What our family Helian is fond of is a treasure, a priceless treasure."

Qi Xiaoxiao raised his head proudly and glanced at Ji Chicheng, who had already gone far away, as if he was determined to win.


Qi Helian rushed to the apartment as soon as he saw the news in the morning. He opened the door and saw Ji Anning sitting cross-legged on the sofa reading the newspaper.

She lowered her head and looked attentively. He entered the door and she didn't react at all.

Qi Helian walked gently to the sofa, stood behind Ji Anning, glanced at what she was reading in the newspaper, and calmly said: "Don't read it, it must be my mother."


Qi Helian’s voice suddenly sounded behind her. Ji Anning was startled. She raised her head and looked at Qi Helian. Thinking of what he had just said, she asked uncertainly: "You said that we are going to get married in Country Y. The insider of this news is your mother?"

Qi Helian shrugged and nodded helplessly, "It even bursts out when I brought an old hen to stew the soup. It's not her, don't you dare to Zhou?"

Ji Anning: "..."

Yes, she also wondered, these paparazzi are so powerful that even an old hen has been investigated.

Qi Helian walked around and sat down beside Ji Anning, stretched out his hand to remove her hold, glanced down, and shook his head amusedly, "I guess she wrote the manuscript herself."

As he said, he turned his head and looked at Ji Anning, "She called all sorts of soft and hard foams last night and asked me to show our daughter to her."

Ji Anning couldn't laugh or cry.

Qi Helian put down the newspaper and said to Ji Anning with a look of regret: "She is retreating to the entertainment circle recently. It's too boring, so just pay attention to me. You don't need to pay attention to it. I will let the PR handle this kind of thing. "

"It doesn't matter to me." Ji Anning pressed his lips tightly and shook his head.

She and Qi Helian have been rumored to have scandals more than once or twice. They used to smile so calmly and unrestrainedly, now there is nothing...


Ji Anning didn't let herself think about it anymore, she lowered her head and sighed silently in her heart, then she looked at Qi Helian and said, "I found a house on the Internet, and the landlord asked me to visit the house today."

"The second day of the new year?" Qi Helian frowned in annoyance, "Whose house is so eager to rent out, it can't make people feel good for a year."

Ji Anning smiled and did not answer.

"Okay." Qi Helian put away his depressed expression, and said to Ji Anning: "When are you going, I will go with you."

Ji Anning shook his head and refused, "No, I just want to go out for a walk myself."

Qi He even raised his eyebrows, "Are you sure you are going out for a walk in this physical condition?"

After two days, she lost a lot of weight, and she was still thinking about going out for a walk because of the ice and snow outside.

Ji Anning said lightly: "I'm fine."

As soon as he finished speaking, he coughed.

Qi Helian leaned back on the sofa, looking lazily at Ji Anning, who was hit by the cough that he couldn't help. His narrow eyes were filled with pity and distress, and helpless.

He said: "I'm in the study, call me when you go out."

Saying he got up and walked towards the study.

Looking at Qi Helian's back, Ji Anning pursed the corners of her lips helplessly. She still had to move away as soon as possible, otherwise it would be really bad to trouble him like this.


It has snowed, and the vehicles on the road are moving forward at the speed of a snail. Qi Helian's luxurious off-road is majestic and domineering in many cars.