So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 676: Who donated the cornea? (One)

The big broadcast reminds us over and over again that the flight to L city has started boarding,

The entourage who followed, looked at Ji Chicheng, and stopped talking several times.

He didn't dare to urge, but he was afraid of missing the flight.

Finally, the picture on the big screen changed, and the news of Qi Helian and Ji Anning was no longer broadcast. Ji Chicheng retracted his gaze and raised his foot to continue walking.


Ji Chicheng was walking towards the boarding gate when someone called him suddenly, the voice of a middle-aged woman.

He stopped and turned to look in the direction of the sound. The middle-aged woman, who is noble, elegant and beautiful, walked towards him with a slight smile.

There was a wave of waves in his eyes that were not easily turbulent, watching the middle-aged woman arrive in front of him, he nodded gently, "Mrs. Qi."

Qi Xiaoxiao was wearing a short white down jacket, with long hair curled up high, without much makeup on his face, looking very young.

She raised her head and looked at Ji Chicheng in confusion, "This is only the second day of the new year, where are you going to fly?"

Ji Chicheng said lightly: "Something is going on."

Although the answer was very perfunctory, it was enough to save face. For him, it was a very boring question. If he changed to someone else, he might ignore it more than 80%.

Qi Xiaoxiao is also a self-sufficient person. After asking again, Ji Chicheng didn't say, she stopped asking him where he was going, but still looked at him with a smile, "I was thinking about waiting for me to come back to your house. ."

When Ji Chicheng heard the words, his eyes flickered imperceptibly, and a chill flashed in his eyes at the same time. He said coldly, "Mrs. Qi, I have to catch a plane."

Without going to the Three Treasure Hall, he certainly knew what Qi Xiaoxiao said he was going to do at his house.

After saying hello, he turned around and continued to walk towards the boarding gate.

"Don't worry, it won't take you a few minutes." Qi Xiaoxiao followed in Ji Chicheng's footsteps, looking at him while walking: "I want to tell you about the peace of our Helian and your family, since these two children It's a good match, and the raw rice is already cooked. It's better to set things down earlier. What do you think?"

"I don't think so much." Ji Chicheng replied to Qi Xiaoxiao coldly, without stopping.

Qi Xiaoxiao frowned, "You don't agree?"

Ji Chicheng didn't look at her. She continued: "I know Anning has been in your family over the years. Your Ji family has spent a lot of thought, but she is also an individual anyway. Everyone in this society has human rights."

Hearing this, Ji Chicheng suddenly stopped, and his eyes looked at Qi Xiaoxiao earnestly, but a sneer evoked at the corner of his mouth, "Take your gold name in exchange."

After speaking, he didn't watch Qi Xiaoxiao's reaction, straightened up, strode with long legs, and quickly said that Qi Xiaoxiao had thrown it far.

Looking at his arrogant figure, Qi Xiaoxiao was a little depressed, "Hey! This kid."

The personal assistant next to him looked at Qi Xiaoxiao’s gloomy look, and leaned forward to flatter him angrily, "Ji Shao is too big to speak, even if our young lady is raised by their Ji family, but we want to marry our young master. Yes, I can go around this sea market once."

"Why?" Qi Xiaoxiao frowned, and glared at the flattering assistant, "Do you think Mrs. Young is not worth a golden name?"

The assistant shook his head quickly, "No, no, sister Xiaoxiao, I didn't mean that."