So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 675: Who will attend the wedding with? (four)

As he was thinking, Qi Xiaoxiao looked at her again, and said: "It seems that what the Internet says is not fake."

Ji Anning was confused, but Qi Xiaoxiao didn't give her a chance to ask her doubts at all, "Since we have all the children, then move to the house, Ji's house, I will talk about it."

Ji Anning: "..."

She finally understood now. The lady believed in the gossip gossip and regarded her as her son's girlfriend. She stepped forward with a slight smile, "Auntie, you misunderstood..."

She wanted to explain, but Qi Xiaoxiao opened her words strongly and interrupted her, "You don’t need to explain, my thinking is not that old. I have actually observed you for a long time, my academic performance is very good, I also love myself in the circle, and I believe Our Helian eyes."

Completely self-centered.

I heard that Qi Xiaoxiao is a very powerful woman, proud and high, and she is still a sister in the entertainment circle.

Ji Anning couldn't laugh or cry, "I really have nothing to do with Shao Qi, we are just ordinary friends."

Qi Xiaoxiao frowned, "Girl, I am neither the media nor the paparazzi. Don't respond so professionally."

Speaking, she suddenly stood up again, holding her orange Hermes bag in both hands, standing upright, looking at Ji Anning, "Your face doesn't look very good, I will go back and ask Mrs. Zhou to take care of you."

Ji Anning was not given a chance to speak at all. After speaking, she immediately raised her foot and walked towards the door.

Ji Anning looked at the elegant figure of Madam Qi leaving with a dazed expression, feeling that her arrival was like a dream.

She was not sure if she had been here.

However, it didn't take long for a middle-aged aunt to come, claiming to be Zhou's wife, with a lot of supplements and an old hen who had just killed her, saying that she was going to make soup for her.

Ji Anning felt so stressed, she looked at the busy middle-aged aunt.

I feel that I really should find a place to stay as soon as possible. If this goes on, the relationship between her and Qi Helian will really be messed up if it is not cleaned up.

"According to the insider, Qi Helian and the newly promoted Xiaohuadan Ji Anning will go to country Y for their wedding next month. The Jin name Qi Xiaoxiao and President Qi personally went to Qi Shao’s apartment yesterday to visit his untimed daughter-in-law. The strongest aunt in the family was sent to take care of the young couple and brought a large supplement of food. It is suspected that Qi's family is about to add a new baby. The importance of Mr. Qi to this daughter-in-law who was born to the daughter-in-law of someone else's family has made countless netizens praise and generous , And many netizens sighed like the editor that this confusing relationship finally surfaced. ’

Ji Anning turned on her mobile phone early in the morning, and the major websites were maxed out by news that she and Qi Helian were about to get married.

This is ridiculous.

After reading one by one, she was going crazy, who is this ‘inside person’?

Country Y held a wedding and added a new couple... They have noses and eyes. Where did they come from?

"The insider also revealed that Qi Shao's wedding will only invite some outsiders who play well, not many insiders..."

News of Ji Anning and Qi Helian's upcoming wedding are also reported on the big screen of the public entertainment in the airport lobby.

The man stopped and stared at the big screen. The photos of Qi Xiaoxiao entering the door of Qi Helian's apartment taken by paparazzi, and the photos of Qi Helian leaving the door of the apartment early in the morning.

In the deep black eyes, the light of the yin bird gradually flashed, and the hands in the pockets of the trousers clenched their fists involuntarily.