So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 674: Who will attend the wedding with? (three)

Looking at the facilities here, you know that this is the house where Qi Helian usually lives. She is really embarrassed to occupy it like this.

Qi Helian frowned, "Don't say thank you to me anymore, don't have any psychological burden, I have no intentions against you."

His frankness and straightforwardness caused Ji Anning to blush. She lowered her head, reached out and touched the broken hair around her ears, her slender fingers, without a bit of flesh, were completely skinned with bones.

Looking distressed, Qi He opened his mouth again and again, and finally he changed his concern and said, "I will ask someone to pay attention to the house matter. Now there are several very good brands looking for cooperation. , I will ask Minnie to bring it back, and see if you are interested."

Work is the most important thing for survival. Ji Anning did not refuse, nodded gently, opened his mouth, "Thank you..."

Before saying ‘thank you’, Qi Helian raised her eyebrows lightly at her, she immediately closed her mouth and smiled slightly.

Qi Helian was satisfied, and then he changed the subject again, "Minnie said that you still have a fever in the morning, and you should pay attention to rest. Don't worry about Mingyue sister's affairs, Chicheng will definitely handle it."

Ji Anning nodded with a ‘um’.

It is false to say not to worry, but what can she change if she is concerned?

She was wrong at the beginning and shouldn't link Ji Mingyue with Char. If something really happened to Ji Mingyue, she would really be a sinner.

Qi Helian had a very slow schedule all year round. He ate breakfast with Ji Anning and left in a hurry.

The snow stopped today, and there were sunflowers outside. Sitting on the balcony, it was warm.

It was very windy outside, and Ji Anning watched blankly as the snow piled up on the tree branches was scattered everywhere by the wind.

In the past, she felt that this kind of weather, in a heated house, was particularly warm, and felt very satisfied and very comfortable.

But now, she couldn't find that feeling anymore. The flower that was still in full bloom in her heart had withered. All she could feel was desolation and loneliness.

"This kid has changed the password?"

Suddenly a woman's voice came from the gate, as if talking to herself, Ji Anning's thoughts were interrupted.

She turned to look at the door, not sure if it was in front of them, she pricked her ears and listened carefully, and then there was a knock on the door.

'Tuk tuk tuk'

Just looking at their door, Ji Anning got up and walked to the door. Not knowing who it was, she unscrewed the door lock, opened the door carefully, and stared at the door.

A very beautiful middle-aged woman came into her eyes and she was surprised.

This is... Qi Helian's mother, Qi Xiaoxiao.

She has seen her countless times on TV and movie screens, and she has actually seen this goddess in the mind of a young man.

She once asked Ji Chicheng, and Ji Chicheng said that he had never seen him a few times.

"Hello girl."

Ji Anning was still surprised. Qi Xiaoxiao spoke first and greeted her officially.

Ji Anning was still a little startled, nodded and said: "Ah...Hello Auntie."

"Don't be nervous, I just came to see you." Qi Xiaoxiao gave Ji Anning a gentle and generous smile, then she raised her foot to enter the door and walked past Ji Anning.


Come see her? Ji Anning turned around and looked at the middle-aged woman who had walked to the sofa and sat down.

What she said was inexplicable, why did Qi Shao's mother come to see her?