So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 671: Gave her to you (6)

"You all go out, you are not allowed to come in without my order."

Char finished ordering his bodyguard, and then looked at Xiang Yiqing, "This young man, you also go out."

The faint tone, but reveals unquestionable majesty.

Without waiting for Xiang Yiqing to respond, Ji Mingyue got up again, enduring the pain and yelled at Char: "Char, you old bastard, do you think you are God?"

"How do you know?" Char raised his eyebrows in surprise.

The expression is obviously saying: What you said is the truth, and I am God.

In the eyes of Ji Mingyue, it was clearly a shameless, an old hooligan with an old beast and gentle skin.

Ji Mingyue’s emotions could not be calm yet, Xiang Yiqing stood up, face to face with Char, his height was slightly taller than Char, and he raised his chin slightly, looking at Ji with neither humble nor babble Charl, who is both noble and elegant, said coldly: "Mr. Char, although it’s the first time I met, but I have already heard of you. We will slowly calculate with you about Mingyue being shot in your house. Please go out now."

Charr still smiled at him slightly, "Although this young man speaks badly, his attitude deserves praise."

As he said, he looked at Ji Mingyue again, "Miss Si, there is something about your family, I think you will want to hear it."

Hearing that, Xiang Yi was lightly startled. He directly reached out and grabbed Char's arm and dragged him out the door, "Mr. Char, please go out."

Char was a little unhappy. He frowned, his face sullen, and threatened Xiang Yiqing: "This young man, you didn't bring anyone here, I don't mind taking you out with more bullying."

Xiang Yiqing was still fearless, but Ji Mingyue spoke, "Xiang Yiqing, you go out first."

"Mingyue!" Xiang Yi lightly turned his head, looking at Ji Mingyue with worry.

Ji Mingyue repeated what he said just now, "You go out first."

Her mood was calmer than before, but Xiang Yiqing still looked at her worriedly.

Knowing that he was worried, Ji Mingyue voted him a smile that made him feel at ease, "I'm fine."

"Mr. Char." Xiang Yiqing knew what Char was going to say to Ji Anning, he couldn't think of a better way to stop him.

However, Ji Mingyue now seems to have an ominous premonition. He thinks that some things should always be known, and it is impossible to keep it from forever, not to mention that he has no way to use her.

Xiang Yiqing left the ward, and Char came out not long after.

He put his hands in the pockets of straight trousers, and when he rubbed his body with Xiang Yiqing, the two looked at each other. Xiang Yiqing's elegant and indifferent, and Char's pride are two completely different styles.

The outcome is difficult to distinguish.

With just a glance, Xiang Yi lifted his foot lightly and entered the ward.

After he entered the ward, the first thing he saw was the shiny diamond ring on the ring finger of Ji Mingyue's hand on the edge of the bed.

It was the one that Char had just brought.

Xiang Yiqing frowned and moved his eyes to Ji Mingyue's face. Ji Mingyue burst into tears. In such a short time, her eyes were red and swollen from crying.

He walked quickly over, "Mingyue."

"Go!" Ji Mingyue stared at Xiang Yiqing angrily, pointed at the door, and barked at Xiang Yiqing, "Xiang Yiqing, you get out of here, I never want to see you and Ji Chicheng again."