So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 672: Who will attend the wedding with? (1) Ask for monthly pass

"Mingyue." Xiang Yiqing walked over and grabbed Ji Mingyue's hand, "I don't know what Char told you, but you were in the rescue room at the time, and there was no way for the bad news. Tell you."

Ji Mingyue didn't listen to his explanation, she cried bitterly while crying, "You are all bastards, you are all bastards, I never want to see you, I never want to talk to you again."

Her heart-piercing cry, Xiang Yi listened to her heart-piercingly.

It didn't calm her emotions at all, she could only make her cry and let her vent.


Last night, Ji Anning was lying on the sofa. She didn't know when she fell asleep. She woke up the next day with a blanket on her body.

She opened her eyes in a daze, and the curtains were tightly drawn. It should be Minnie who came to pull it after she fell asleep.

As soon as Ji Anning woke up, the phone rang.

She found her mobile phone in the corner of the sofa, crawled over to pick it up, glanced at the caller ID, she frowned vigilantly.

Why did Char call her again?

He answered the phone with doubts, put it to his ear, and gave a tentative "hey". Then, Char replied in a very pleasant tone: "Niannian, come back next month to attend my wedding. I will book you the ticket. Okay, there is little handsome guy, the three of you come together."

Hearing this, Ji Anning was shocked, Char is getting married?

Surprised, Charr added: "The bride is just the aunt."

"Mr. Char!" Ji Anning was not calm, "My grandpa is gone, please don't do anything to hurt Ji's family anymore."

Charr said: "I married her because she was lucky for three lives."

The tone was full of conceit.

what happened? How could my sister-in-law marry Char? Didn’t you say that Xiang Yiqing was there to take care of her?

Ji Anning didn't worry, she hung up Char's phone and immediately dialed Xiang Yiqing's number, but the response to her was that she was on the phone.

She immediately hung up and instinctively entered a series of familiar numbers. After dialing out, she thought about it and hung up, found Qi Helian's number again, and dialed it out.

In the luxurious villa, the blood on the small road in the yard has been cleaned up, and several snowmen of different sizes were piled up. Two red lanterns hung at the door, which is full of New Year.

"Young master early."

"Young master early."

Qi Helian got out of the room after he changed his clothes. He was all casual, and his whole body was full of ‘fashion’. He put his hands in his slacks pockets, and came downstairs. The servants of the family greeted him one after another.

It is rare for him to come back, and the atmosphere at home has become much more lively because of his return.

Qi Helian walked to the sofa, walked to the dignified middle-aged woman sitting on the sofa, bent over and sat down, put his arm around the woman’s waist, and put his chin on the woman’s shoulder coquettishly, "Queen mother, you The old man is in a good mood today?"

"You kid still knows to come back."

Although Qi Mu's expression was very dissatisfied, her tone was full of petting. She stretched out her hand and poked Qi Helian's forehead. The petting value was bursting.

Then she suddenly approached Qi Helian with excitement, and asked in a low voice: "Last night Fei Fan said that she saw Minnie buying two sets of pajamas for girls at a pajama store near your home, and then entered your community?"

Qi Helian looked at her gossiping mother amused, "Oh, your old man also sent eyeliner by my side?"