So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 670: Gave her to you (5)

"No surprise, in fact, he should have known it a long time ago." Char said, hooking his lips with interest, "That little handsome guy, I haven't seen you in a few days, I'm really kind of Miss him."

The female assistant looked sweaty.

Had their great Mr. Char changed his sexual orientation? This is not the first time he said he missed that handsome guy.

The assistant was speechless, and Char suddenly turned to look at her again, and ordered: "Prepare me a bunch of flowers, and then prepare a car for the hospital."


In the general hospital of a military region in country Y, the extended Lincoln drove directly to the entrance of the inpatient building, the door opened, and the middle-aged man wearing aristocratic blue got off the car elegantly.

Attracting the attention of everyone around him, he walked away with long legs and walked into the inpatient building calmly under the attention of the public.

He covered half of his face with oversized sunglasses, with his hands in his trouser pockets, standing at the elevator entrance. Many people were waiting for the elevator, and he stood in the crowd.

Many people looked at him, and he glanced at them.

Just as the elevator came, everyone was squeezing into the elevator, Char frowned, and the two bodyguards immediately stepped forward, blocking the group of people who wanted to squeeze the elevator with Char.

Although it caused countless dissatisfaction quarrels, the arrogant Mr. Char could not have heard of it. He calmly walked into the elevator and enjoyed the transfer treatment in the busy elevator business hospital.

In the ward, the quiet atmosphere made people feel very depressed. The woman lying on the bed was pale with no expression in her eyes.

All thoughts are ashamed.

The handsome man beside her gently encouraged her, "Mingyue, I am a doctor, you should believe me, you can stand up again."

As he said, he stretched out his hand, grabbed Ji Mingyue's exposed hand, and gently patted the back of her hand.

Ji Mingyue's eyes finally moved, her eyes turned to the man who kept comforting her and encouraging her, "Xiang Yiqing, why didn't Ji Chicheng come? Why didn't my dad call me for many days?"

As I asked, her eye circles were red.

At this moment, a hearty middle-aged man called Heng Yin, "Miss Si."

Ji Mingyue's face changed drastically. She looked over, and when she saw someone coming, her emotions became agitated, "What are you doing here? Go away..."

She endured the pain of a gunshot wound on her body, grabbed a pillow and threw it at Char.

Xiang Yiqing quickly pressed her, "Mingyue, you can't move."

He pacified Ji Mingyue in a low voice, he turned his head and swept towards Char.

Char shrugged at him, "Young man, don't just stare at people with your eyes. It's not that you're good at staring."

As he spoke, his footsteps had already reached the bed, he looked down at Ji Mingyue, then smiled and handed her the rose in his hand, "Miss Si, I'm sorry that my guard has offended you, I can Marry you as compensation."

Then he took out a diamond ring from his pocket and handed it to Ji Mingyue with the rose.

Ji Mingyue almost vomited blood, she glared and yelled at this Char: "Go away, I don't want to see you."

"I can take care of you for the rest of your life, and I have enough ability." Char said indifferently.

No sincerity could be heard in the tone.

"Go, go."

Thinking that her legs might not be able to stand anymore, Ji Mingyue couldn't control her emotions, like a crazy lion, rushing towards Char.

Upon seeing this, Char's bodyguard immediately stepped forward, stood in front of Char, stared at Ji Mingyue, and warned: "Don't be rude to Mr. Char."