So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 669: Gave her to you (four)

"What I just said will not be repeated a second time."

Ji Chicheng's brows wrinkled, not irritated, so that the young assistant did not dare to speak again.


Country Y, a mansion like a castle, under the blue sky and white clouds, is particularly awe-inspiring. A handsome middle-aged man with a white golf suit with both hands, holding golf clubs in both hands, cleverly swinging, and the ball is accurate Into the hole.

The few people standing behind him clapped and praised.

"Playing with Mr. Char is simply looking for abuse."

A few men of about the same age slapped this **** while walking towards Char.

Char handed the caddy with one hand to the caddie next to him, and took the towel with the other hand and hung it around his neck. With dark blue eyes, he glanced lightly on the faces of the people who came up.

Ignoring them, I'm so lonely.

But those few people still enthusiastically flattered him, "Mr. Char, this is the little girl, Marisa."

One of the middle-aged men stretched out his hand over a young girl, went to Char, and introduced him with a flat face.

Char just glanced at it from the corner of his mouth, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, "It's not as good as my family's thoughts, so how embarrassed to take it out."

As he said, he took the club again and continued to play, without even looking at the man whose face was reddened by his merciless irony.

He raised the cue and just about to release the ball, suddenly a tall young woman walked up to him and whispered a few words in his ear.

The crowd didn't hear what they were saying, and saw that Char's face changed, and soon returned to his normal color, and then waved to the woman who came to report.

Then he looked at the group of people who just flattered him, smiled slightly and said, "You guys, I'm going to be with you."

Without waiting for others to say hello, he immediately lifted his foot and left.

You know, here is not anyone who can come in casually. If you can come once, you have to rely on many relationships and contacts.

Obviously this group of people came with meticulous preparations today, but the master left before the role played out. Everyone looked at the leaving figure of Char, lost and annoyed.

However, there is nothing to do with him.

In country Y, the king is rich and wealthy, and his Char family has everything. Who doesn't want to get a relationship with this place.

But this Mr. Char was fascinating, his temper was uncertain, and his mood was erratic. For so many years, even the most intimate person around him could not fully understand his preferences.

Char walked in front, and two tall female bodyguards followed him. The young woman who had just whispered to him came close to him, and handed the tablet in front of Char. The computer screen was Y. National Citizen Information Network.

"Mr. Char, that Mr. Foss just now, his daughter Marissa is just freshman."

Hearing that, Char paused for a while, turned his head and frowned at the female assistant next to him, "Who asked you to investigate such boring things?"

The female assistant was so scared that she quickly took the computer back, lowered her head and replied sincerely to Char: "I...I'm just worried that her identity is unknown."

"Do you think I would let her into Chaer's house?" Chall proudly rolled his eyes at the female assistant, then raised his foot to continue walking.

The assistant followed him and wanted to go to the fair. The pace was hurried, but she seemed to be used to it. As she walked, she said: "Qiqi said that Ji Chicheng already knew she was yours."