So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 668: I gave her to you (3) Monthly ticket plus more

Minnie shook her head, "I'm not going, I'll be here with you tonight."

Ji Anning knew that she must have also been ordered by Qi Helian, so she didn't embarrass her.

This is not her home anyway.

‘Since she can’t do anything for me, since I make her so tired, and since you like her so much, let’s let it go...’

Love is too tired, it is better to let go.

Together, it was a mistake in itself, so many people opposed it, and she also had an unshirkable responsibility for the death of Grandpa.

The thousands of families in this city are lit up, how many families are enjoying the warmth of reunion, and how many people are like them, obviously in love, but very struggling.

"Little master, the second test result has come out."

Ji Chicheng stood in front of the window. In the entire yard, all the lights were turned on, and the fountain was still rushing. The water sprayed into the air was colorful against the light.

Suddenly someone walked over behind him, a middle-aged man, and handed him a list with both hands.

Ji Chicheng's thoughts were interrupted, he turned his head, looked at the slips in the hands of the people around him, and did not reach out to pick them up.

"There is no problem with the medicine." The middle-aged man reported the situation on the list to Ji Chicheng.

When Ji Chicheng heard the words, a suspicion flashed in his eyes. He didn't speak, and turned around and entered the room. He picked up a handwritten copy on the desk, similar to a food list, and handed it to the middle-aged man, and said to him: Go and show this to them."

"This is...?" The middle-aged man reached out and took the list from Ji Chicheng in doubt.

Ji Chicheng said lightly: "The old man's recipe two days before the accident."

The middle-aged man immediately understood what Ji Chicheng meant and nodded, "I see."

Immediately afterwards, he thought of something, looked at Ji Chicheng, and said carefully: "Miss Duan's mood is not stable, she is clamoring to find Miss An Ning."

Ji Chicheng pursed his lips and said, "I will go to the hospital with you."

The smell of disinfectant was everywhere in the hospital, and when he gently opened the door of the ward, Ji Chicheng saw the little man lying on the bed already asleep.

His heart immediately became very soft.

"Mr. Ji."

In the past two days, Ji Chicheng had asked Mrs. Wu to take care of her here, and they recognized her birth, so Ji Chicheng asked Ji Anning's assistant to come and accompany her at night.

Seeing him coming, Ji Anning's assistant was a little surprised.

Afraid of waking up, Ji Chicheng made a "hush" motion to her, and walked gently to the bed.

When he walked to the bed, he bent over and sat down on the edge of the bed, looking down at the gauze wrapped around his eyes, his eyes filled with distress.

The assistant also came over, bending over and whispering to Ji Chicheng: "They didn't eat or drink milk at night, they kept arguing for their mother."

Ji Chicheng didn't look at her, but said lightly: "You won't use it in the future, and you don't need to follow Anning anymore."

The assistant was taken aback, "Mr. Ji."

Ji Chicheng slowly turned his head and looked at the dazed assistant coldly, "For the sake of your care, I don't care about you being bought by Char."

His eyes flashed sharply.

Astonishment flashed across the assistant's young and tender face, and at the same time the body trembled suddenly.

Ji Chicheng's cold voice continued, "Don't let me see you in China again."

"Mr. Ji, I have never done anything to hurt Sister Nian and Duan." The assistant shook his head to defend himself, "I have no bad intentions with Sister Nian, please don't drive me away."