So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 667: Gave her to you (2)

Ji Chicheng looked at him with cold eyes, and sneered: "Since she can't do it for me, since I make her so tired, since you like her so much, let it go to you. ."

Speaking, he pushed Qi Helian aside, opened the door, and left without hesitation.

"Ji Chi City!"

Qi He was so angry that he chased out the door, rushed to push Ji Chicheng against the wall, clenched his fist tightly, and smashed his face fiercely.

The corner of Ji Chicheng's mouth was smashed and blood was smashed out. He tilted his neck and licked with his tongue. Then he raised the corner of his lips evilly, sneered at Qi Helian, and then reached out and pushed him away. .

Turning around just as the elevator came, he walked in.

Qi Helian didn't chase in anymore. When the elevator door closed, he turned and went home. When he reached the door, he raised his head and looked surprised.

He looked at the center of the living room and opened his mouth, "Ning."

"It's okay." Ji Anning grinned and shook her head, but tears flowed out. She kept saying it was okay as she wiped her tears.

Qi Helian clasped her heart tightly, walked quickly to Ji Anning, and stretched out a hand to embrace her.

Ji Anning's forehead was against his collarbone, she bit her lip and resisted crying.

She was petite, and he was holding it with one hand. He couldn't help tightening his arms again, "Without you, he would not be Ji Chicheng."

He comforted her, and then his big hand moved to the back of her head and patted gently.

Ji Anning didn't give herself much time to adjust. She broke away from Qi Helian's embrace, wiped away the tears that were about to shed with her palms, lowered her head and said to Qi Helian, "Thank you, Shao Qi."

Qi Helian retracted his hand, put it in his trouser pocket gracefully, took a step back, and then looked down at Ji Anning, "You have just gone from fever, if you feel unwell, you can take a shower and Minnie will give it to you. I bought something to eat."

Ji Anning shook her head, "No, I want to go back."

"Where are you going?"

Qi Helian just asked casually, but Ji Anning couldn't answer the question, where is she going?

In Haishi, where else can she go except for a few other than Ji Chicheng’s apartment?

Qi Helian glanced through her thoughts, and he said again: "You can stay here. I didn't go home for dinner in my thirtieth year. Our queen mother is in a bad mood. I just want to go back and accompany her."

He knew she would refuse, so he immediately turned around, walked to the sofa, picked up the clothes on the sofa, and walked towards the gate.

Ji Anning looked at the back of Qi Helian's departure, she pursed her lips, and put it back if she refused.

It's still snowing outside, she is homeless, so what's so hypocritical about her.

Although she had just been sweating and it was very sticky and uncomfortable, she had just had a fever and had no strength on her body, so she didn't want to move.

She was sitting in front of the French window, her hands on her knees, her head on the window glass, her eyes staring out the window blankly.

"Miss Anning, if you don't eat, get up and drink more hot water. The ground is still a bit cold."

Ji Anning didn't eat anything, and kept sitting on the ground, giving Minnie anxious. She poured a cup and someone came over and handed it to her.

"Thank you." Ji Anning reached out to take the water glass, held it with both hands, then raised his head and said to Minnie: "Minnie, if you don't live here, just go back, I'll be fine alone."