So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 666: Gave her to you (1)

His enchanting eyes narrowed in confusion, and his breath became more and more hot.

That does not work!

Qi Helian's eyebrows trembled, and it would be fatal to go on like this. He pressed the mattress with both hands, straightened up in a bulge, and broke away Ji Anning's hands.

Ji Anning was empty in her arms, and she nervously raised her hand and waved wildly, "Uncle."

"Anning." Qi Helian reached out and grabbed Ji Anning's hand, gently comforting her, "Don't be sad, he loves you, he loves you so much."

His voice is full of magnetism and full of charm.

Ji Anning's emotions were really stabilized by her. She pursed her lips, her voice became a little hoarse, "thirsty, drink water."

"Okay, I'll pour it for you."

Qi Helian carefully took out the hand held by Ji Anning, got up and poured warm water. Ji Anning was still in a coma and could not drink water by himself.

He had no choice but to feed her. He bent over, sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out his hand to copy from her back, and slowly lifted her up.

He was about to bring the water glass to Ji Anning's mouth, suddenly a figure rushed in from the door, grabbed the water glass in his hand, and the other hand arrogantly pulled it from his arms and into his own arms.

Suddenly, Qi Helian was stunned before reacting.

Immediately afterwards, his face sank, he reached out and grabbed Ji Chicheng's collar, and glared at him with gritted teeth, "So cold weather, do you want to freeze her to death?"

Both Ji Chicheng and Xiang Yiqing knew the code for the door lock of his apartment, so he was not surprised that Ji Chicheng suddenly appeared.

"I froze her to death, what does it have to do with you?" Ji Chicheng glanced at Qi Helian coldly, with a cold tone and no warmth.

Then he pushed away his hand, lowered his head, and looked at the unconscious person in his arms. In his eyes, angry flames faintly fluttered, but when he saw her cracked and bleeding lips, he bitterly grasped Ji Anning. The hand on the shoulder was loosened again, and he brought the water glass to her lips.

After taking a bite, Ji Anning opened her mouth, but water overflowed from the corner of her mouth again, flowing behind her ears.

Ji Chicheng simply took a sip by himself, then lowered his head, kissed Ji Anning's lips, and delivered the water from her mouth to her mouth.

Seeing this scene, Qi Helian got up and left silently.

Ji Anning, who drank the water, settled down and lay quietly with her eyes closed.

The man's dark eyes, firmly locked on her delicate face, just watched, every minute and a second, I don't know how much time passed, until Ji Anning's forehead was sweaty.

The red cheeks gradually returned to their normal color, and he stretched out his hand, gently touched her forehead with the back of his hand, and tested the temperature.

At this moment, he unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he got up, left the room without looking back, opened the door, and the extremely luxurious living room with bright lights.

A handsome and beautiful man wearing a black shirt was standing in front of the French window with his back to the window. He saw Ji Chicheng come out of the room, pulled out a pair of hands in his trouser pockets, and slowly walked towards him with his feet up.

Ji Chicheng glanced at Qi Helian, and walked straight towards the gate without stopping.

Seemingly about to leave, Qi Helian quickened his pace to catch up with him, "Ji Chicheng, what do you mean?"

He stretched out his hand to grab Ji Chicheng's arm, held him, and looked at him questioningly.