So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 665: It's not your turn to take care (3)

The sound of firecrackers outside is constant, and there is a strong flavor of the year everywhere.

Ji Chicheng took his coat and walked to the gate in a heavy stride. Outside of it, I don't know when it will start, and there are snow again.

When he saw the fountain in the distance, he couldn't help but flash in his mind. When he first came to this home, the prosperous scene appeared.

"Chicheng, look at this fountain, do you like it?"

"Dad made it for you specially."

"In the future, you can turn it on if you like it, and turn it off if you don't like it."

He was standing on the steps, snowflakes boiled in the air, and a biting cold breeze interrupted his thoughts. When he looked at the fountain again, it was so desolate compared to the picture he had just recalled in his mind.

There is a sense of nonsense.

At this moment, the housekeeper came back from the outside and reached the steps. While closing his umbrella, he bowed his waist and asked Ji Chicheng, "Little Master, are you going out?"

"Open the fountain."

Ji Chicheng gave the housekeeper a light command, then raised his foot and stepped down the steps. He directly ******** and shuttled in the snow.

Upon seeing this, the butler immediately caught up, opened the umbrella, and blocked him, "Little master, it's snowing heavily now, you'd better hold up the umbrella."

"No." Ji Chicheng quickened his pace, passing by the fountain, he turned and repeated to the housekeeper, "The fountain is always on, so let them go home for a few days off."

The key didn't follow him anymore, standing still, nodding to Ji Chicheng blankly, "Oh, yes, I know."

Seeing Ji Chicheng walking away, the old housekeeper's eyes couldn't help being clouded with a mist, "Oh, the young master seems to have grown up suddenly."

Ji Chicheng never talked to them before, but now he can even consider the New Year holiday.


"Anning, how are you?" hot.

Ji Anning was dizzy and felt hot, but couldn't open her eyes. Someone was calling her, a familiar voice, but she just couldn't wake up.

She raised her hands nervously, waving wildly in the air, her lips were dry as if they were cracked, as if she were in a waterless desert. She opened her mouth eagerly, "Thirsty, I want to drink water."

"Tranquility, tranquility."

There was still someone calling her in her ears, and her voice seemed to be closer. Her hand suddenly stretched out in the direction of the sound, grabbed something, and tugged, "Uncle."

The man was caught off guard and was dragged to the ground, with a heavy body pressed against her. She held him tightly with her hands, and the delicious fragrance went into her nose.

If there is something like nothing, if it is just like leaving.

"Uncle, why are you my uncle."

Ji Anning cried, crying very sad, she sniffed, her arms tightened again.

She was crying louder and louder, like a child releasing grievances. Qi Helian raised his head distressedly, just to face Ji Anning’s face, but did not see her opening his eyes, but saw Dou's big tears running down her. The corners of his eyes kept falling.

Seeing the pain in his heart, he stretched out his hand and gently wiped away the tears she had just shed with his fingertips, but they continued to flow.

"You don't love me anymore, you don't like me anymore."

Ji Anning speaks incoherently, but every sentence is her heartfelt voice, full of grievances.

Qi Helian's neck was held in both hands by Ji Anning. The two were intimate at this time. His body began to get a little hot, looking at her red lips that were bleeding because of dryness and cracking.