So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 664: It's not your turn to take care (2)

"Sister Nian, get up quickly, let's go." The assistant persuaded by the side that it was useless for a long time, so he simply dropped the umbrella in his hand, bent over and directly hugged her arm and dragged her Get up, "Mr. Ji actually loves you. He is just too proud. When you get up, he will definitely not blame you."

Ji Anning stubbornly refused to get up, "You go back."

She pushed the assistant away, and with a little effort, she almost fell.

"If you don't go back, I will stand here to hold an umbrella for you." The assistant had no choice but to pick up the umbrella and hold it for her.


It is snowing everywhere in the country, and many flights are delayed. There are many passengers stranded in the airport in Haishi, and people are everywhere.

When Ji Chicheng was filming in Europe, he received the news of the death of Mr. Ji, and rushed back in a hurry, but he still missed his funeral because of the flight delay.

Wearing an eyepiece and a mask, he quickly left from the VIP aisle and got into the car. The assistant who got into the car ahead of time gave him his mobile phone. "Shao Qi, Miss An Ning's assistant just called and said Miss An Ning I have been kneeling in front of Grandpa Ji's grave for more than five hours."

"What?" Qi Helian glanced at the snowflakes flying outside, and his heart was tense. He quickly ordered the driver: "Drive."

The weather in winter is already short, and with snow, the sky is getting darker than four o'clock.

When Qi Helian arrived at the cemetery, the snow had basically stopped, but occasionally one or two pieces remained.

But the wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the cold is biting.

When he saw Ji Anning kneeling there, his thin body was likely to be blown down by the wind at any time, his eyes were sore, and his long legs strode to her side.

Kneel down and hug her.

Ji Anning's body was almost wet, and the temperature passed to Qi Helian was colder and colder than this weather.

"I took you back."

With his big warm hands, he touched Ji Anning's ice-like face, and his thumb stroked her frozen purple lips.

Distressed beyond words.

Ji Anning didn't speak, and blinked. The snowflakes on his eyelashes turned into water. Although it looked fragile, it still felt stubborn.

"Anning." Qi Helian gently patted Ji Anning's face.

After shouting, Ji Anning still did not speak. He simply bent his hands over her legs and picked her up.

Ji Anning finally had a reaction, "Shao Qi, you go back and leave me alone."

As she said, she pushed Qi Helian away forcefully, her actions and tone were very firm and stubborn.

The assistant watched from the side and died anxiously. He stepped forward and said, "Shao Qi, Mr. Ji asked Sister Nian to kneel here, saying that he is not allowed to get up without his order."

Hearing this, Qi Helian felt angry.

"Go back with me, Qi Helian is going to take you back today."

As he said, he forcibly lifted Ji Anning from the snow.

Ji Anning, who had been kneeling in the cold wind for more than six hours, struggled with Qi Helian for a while, and fainted because of lack of energy.


"Miss Anning has been taken away by Shao Qi."

Ji Chicheng was holding the phone and hearing the report from the person on the other end of the phone, his gloomy dark eyes were shining with a chilly light.

After hanging up the phone, he turned and walked out of the room angrily.

The whole family was still immersed in the solemn and solemn atmosphere of the death of the old man.