So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 663: It’s not your turn to take care (1)

His cold and indifferent tone, not fierce or angry, makes people afraid to refute.

Hearing this, Lin Yanqin jumped up suddenly, "I don't believe it, I don't believe that the old man just gave all the shares of the company to Ji Anning, an outsider."

As she said, she pointed to the old man's tombstone, trembling with excitement, "The old man is still dead, and you want to rebel. Are you not afraid that his old man will come to you in the middle of the night?"

If the father really transferred 32% of the shares to Ji Anning's name, then the three of them, mother and daughter, what else in Ji's family?

Anyway, she also gave birth to two daughters to the Ji family. She has been a widow in the Ji family for so many years.

Ji Chicheng ignored her excitement that was almost out of control, looked down at Ji Anning, and ordered her: "Without my permission, you are not allowed to get up."

As he said, he lifted his foot and left.

"If you want to get out of Ji's house sooner, keep staying."

Ji Chicheng walked a long way, and a cold voice floated over, causing the three Lin Yanqin and her daughter who were preparing to attack Ji Anning to fight a cold war, with scruples.

Regardless, Ji Chicheng had 30% of the company's shares since he entered Ji's house. No matter how the old man arranged the remaining shares, he still had the final say in this family.

They weighed it up, but still didn't dare to make a mistake at this point.

"What does uncle mean? While spoiling this little bitch, while letting her kneel in the snow, is he split in personality?"

"Who knows, an illegitimate child and a little **** are a good match."

Lin Yanqin, mother and daughter, talked about Ji Anning and Ji Chicheng as they walked, and the discussion was unbearable.

‘What the **** does uncle mean? On one side, she looked like this little bitch, and made her kneel in this snowy place again and again...’

In fact, he still didn't believe him completely, or blamed her, right?

Yes, the old man's death, whether it was a fateful death or not, could not be separated from her, and she could not forgive herself, let alone him.


Outside the car window, the snow was getting heavier and thicker, and a thick layer was piled on the front windshield, blocking the view.

The man's dark eyes, staring into the distance, the girl kneeling motionless, with a cold expression in his eyes, an indescribable chill.

The driver sitting in the driver's seat looked back at him countless times, but he didn't dare to speak.

Suddenly, a whirring cold wind blew in, blowing the snowflakes floating in the air into a whirlpool, and the tree head shook.

The driver finally couldn't help it. Turning his head to look at Ji Chicheng, he reminded with a worried look: "Little master, the snow is heavy now."

The howling of the wind pierced his ears. Hearing the driver's reminder, his hands on his legs trembled slightly, but looking at the kneeling girl, she was still holding her back, motionless and stubborn. As if with anger.

Ji Chicheng flashed cold eyes, retracted his gaze, coldly instructed the driver: "Drive."

"This..." The driver looked at Ji Anning embarrassedly, a little unbearable.

"Huh?" Ji Chicheng raised his eyebrows and glanced over with a fierce gaze. The driver had a cold war, immediately retracted his sight and started the car.

The wiper is activated, and the accumulated snow on the windshield is removed in a short while.

The car slowly drove away from the place and out of the cemetery.