So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 658: Framed (8)

She turned her head and looked at the closed study door with expectant eyes.

Suddenly, the door of the study room opened, and Ji Anning's eyes lit up.

A tall figure rushed out, followed by an angry question: "What are you doing?"

Want to be domineering, but not domineering.

A touch of disappointment flashed in Ji Anning's eyes, and the corners of her mouth sank in disappointment. She looked at Ji Jingfeng who came forward without any surprise in her heart.

Seeing Ji Jingfeng rushing forward, trying to protect Ji Anning, Lin Yanqin stopped in front of him, stared at him, and scolded, "Ji Jingfeng, Ji Anning killed the old man, the evidence is solid."

Ji Jingfeng raised his eyebrows, "Is there any evidence?"

Lin Yanqin said: "Dr. Zhang said that there was a problem with the medicine. At that time, Ji Anning was in the study alone and quarreled with the old man. Everyone heard it. Who else could she be?"

Upon hearing this, Ji Jingfeng asked in return: "Then did you see that she was giving the medicine to Grandpa? Dr. Zhang said that there was a problem with the medicine?"

Very simple question, but Lin Yanqin couldn't answer it in time. She chose moral **** again, and accused Ji Jingfeng: "At this time, are you still protecting this murderer? Why your grandfather loves you so much and takes the whole family give it to you."

"Humph!" Ji Jingfeng snorted coldly, "Auntie, don't guess anything without evidence."

As he said, he raised his foot, walked to Ji Anning's side, grabbed her other arm, dragged her behind him, and then looked at the policeman and said, "Come and arrest people when you have evidence."

The few policemen who heard Lin Yanqin’s side words are now out of the question. Look at me and I will look at you.

Look at Ji Anning again.

"Don't get in your way here."

Inside, the old man put on his clothes, and the crying butler with red eyes came out to evacuate the people stuck in the corridor at the door.

Immediately after Ji Chicheng came out, a tall figure, standing in the crowd, everyone looked at him involuntarily, waiting for him to sanction.

Including those policemen.

Ji Anning also looked up at him, her excited eyes gleaming, "Uncle."

With a cry, she was about to lift her foot to walk towards him.

Lin Yanqin suddenly rushed in front of her and said, "Chi Cheng, you see, now that the old man is dead, he has covered the sky with one hand in this house, so he wants to defend this murderer."

Ji Anning shook his head and denied, "I didn't. I didn't kill Grandpa."

She was scared in her heart, more scared than ever, not for fear of being wronged and imprisoned, but for fear that he did not trust her.

Even if he didn't speak, but just gave her a trusting look, she would be considered a murderer by the whole world, and she would not care.

Not only Ji Anning, everyone is waiting, waiting for Ji Chicheng, waiting for this man with the highest prestige in the Ji family to express his opinion.

Finally, Ji Chicheng's cold lips came loose.

Ji Anning held his breath nervously and looked up at him.

"So next, can you transfer 32% of the shares to the victim?"

The indifferent tone and frivolous eyebrows expressed distrust of her everywhere.

Ji Anning felt that her heart was torn apart, and her body twitched in pain. She opened her mouth and her lips trembled for a while before her throat could finally make a sound.

"What do you mean?"

The tip of her nose and eye sockets were sore, tears filled her eyes instantly, and her eyes rolled.

(I got up at four in the morning to write, and finally finished it. I have to catch the **** today, everyone, don’t forget to vote, the monthly tickets for the books after these few days are too fierce...)