So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 657: Framed (7)

The butler cried and replied: "Little Master's phone has been unable to get through."

Immediately afterwards, Sister Wu's voice came from the door, "I have already contacted the young master. The fourth young lady has an accident in country Y. The young master is on his way to the airport, but he has returned now."

Lin Yanqin asked nervously, "What happened to Mingyue?"

Ji Anning was more nervous than she was. She looked at Wu's wife who was coming to report, her mouth was open, her breathing stopped.

Ji Mingyue had an accident in Country Y, and she couldn't help but think of it being related to Char.

"It is said that he was shot, the specific situation is not known yet."


Ji Anning stared, she turned around, held the door frame with her hand, and walked out of the study. She took out her mobile phone from her bag and dialed Char's number. As soon as it rang, she answered it over there.

What came out was the voice of Secretary Char, "Miss Nian Nian, Mr. Char is on the plane now, he is resting, what can you do?"

Ji Anning said coldly: "Let him answer the phone."

"Sorry, Mr. Char is asleep."

The assistant didn't help her to transfer to Char, Ji Anning was anxious: "You directly help me ask him if Ji Mingyue's shot is related to him."

Suddenly, Char's voice came from the receiver again, "She was too curious and broke into my backyard. I just taught her a little lesson."

Ji Anning heard this and asked angrily: "What have you done to her?"

Char said: "It's just a shot in the leg, you don't have to be nervous."

He didn't have a hurry or slow tone, and didn't take gunshot wounds seriously.

"Little Master."

At this moment, Ji Chicheng came back.

Ji Anning hurriedly put away the phone, turned around, Ji Chicheng walked over in heavy steps, not waiting one step at a time.

Ji Anning greeted him, "Uncle."

When Ji Chicheng arrived, she stretched out her hand to grab his arm, but he looked at her, his brows wrinkled, and he couldn't tell whether he hated or hated him.

Ji Anning's outstretched hand trembled slightly, and in a daze, Ji Chicheng had already walked past her and entered the study.

The door of the study was closed at this time because they were changing clothes for the old man inside.

Ji Anning stood at the door in a daze, recalling the look in Ji Chicheng's eyes just now when she looked at her, and her heart was panic.

"Which police called?"

At this time, the police came again. Three police officers, all in uniforms, looked serious and looked at the few people present.

"It's her." Lin Yanqin pointed at Ji Anning and accused her excitedly: "She was a murderer and killed our old man."

Ji Anning shook his head and denied, "I didn't."

She didn't, she didn't think about killing his old man.

Lin Yanqin snorted coldly, "Hmph! Don't quibble anymore. When you walked in, something was wrong. With murderous aura, the whole family heard you shouting at the old man in the study, and you were alone in the study, Zhang The doctor also said that the medicine that the old man took was wrong, isn't it who you are?"

Hearing this, the police headed up to Ji Anning, "Come with us."

Ji Anning refused to follow them, "I don't have any. The medicine that Grandpa took is in his drawer. He wants to take it himself. There can be no problem."

The police said: "If there is any problem with the medicine, our police will investigate clearly."

Saying that he didn't care if Ji Anning was worthy of cooperation, he reached out and grabbed her arm and forcibly took her away, "Go."

Most of the people were immersed in the grief of the father's sudden death, and none of them stood up to speak for her.