So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 659: The framed (9) is the monthly ticket plus

Ji Chicheng's gaze coldly moved away from Ji Anning, and he looked at the crying butler with red eyes, "What are you looking at? Why don't you take her away soon?"

His brows furrowed slightly, full of majesty.

"Yes." The housekeeper immediately regained his grief and anger, and responded, stepping forward and holding Ji Anning's arm, and whispered to her: "Miss Anning, let's go first."

Ji Anning was pushed back by the housekeeper. She didn't struggle. She kept looking at Ji Chicheng with despair and cold heart. The tears in her eyes were cold.

The three policemen observed the situation and exchanged eyes with each other, and then the headed one stepped forward and slightly nodded at Ji Chicheng: "Master Ji, let me and the police handle it."

"What crime did she commit? Do you have any conclusive evidence?" Ji Chicheng raised his eyebrows, his voice paused, he raised his chin slightly, and said arrogantly: "Who dares to disturb outsiders in the future of the Ji family? , Just get out of this house for me."

He said the last sentence through gritted teeth, and his gaze glanced over the faces of the police and Lin Yanqin.

The police were speechless.

Ji Chicheng is now in charge of the Ji family. The father's biological son, he said it was a housework, and the police really had no reason to force people away.

"It's our police who didn't figure it out. I'm bothering you."

The police led by the reaction was quite clever, and immediately bent over to Ji Chicheng and apologized, "Sorry, Master Ji."

He made a polite sentence, then turned around and left with the other two policemen.

Seeing the police leaving, Lin Yanqin was a little unwilling. She looked at Ji Chicheng puzzledly, "Chicheng, Dr. Zhang said that there was a problem with the medicine the old man was taking, and Ji Anning was the only one present at the time. It was obvious that she was the victim Dead old man."

Ji Chicheng just glanced at her coldly, and ignored her.

Once again, he took a deep look at Ji Anning, who had been dragged to the top of the stairs by the housekeeper, then he turned around and entered the study again.

The old man's shroud was already put on and he was lying on the stretcher. Ji Chicheng stood aside, looking at his old man's tightly closed eyes.

There were some tears in his deep eyes. After struggling for a while, he looked at Doctor Zhang and asked, "Doctor Zhang, can my father's cornea be used now?"

"Little Master." Doctor Zhang was startled, and seemed to guess what Ji Chicheng was going to do.

Ji Chicheng said: "I want to donate my father's cornea."

As he said, he looked at the old man's closed eyes again.

"Yes..." Doctor Zhang asked uncertainly: "Is it for Miss Dun?"

"Yes." Ji Chicheng nodded without shy. "So my father is in this situation, can the cornea of ​​his eye be ok?"

Doctor Zhang pursed his lips and replied conservatively: "It is reasonable to say that after a person's death, there are many organs that can still be used, including the cornea, but the specifics are not known until the hospital."

Hearing this, Ji Chicheng said immediately: "Then please contact Doctor Zhang to get an operation right away."

"Miss Fantastic's condition..."

Ji Chicheng knew what Doctor Zhang was thinking about. Before he could finish asking, he nodded and said, "You can have an operation anytime."

They have been preparing for the arrival of a suitable cornea to ensure that transplant operations can be performed at any time.

"Then..." Doctor Zhang glanced at the closed eyes of the old man, his eyes were red, "I will make arrangements. If the chairman knows, he should be very happy."

(This chapter is for the monthly pass. I wrote it on the handy machine when I returned to China today. It is dirty... The monthly pass was overdue if it was less than two hundred...) End -->