So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 656: Framed (6)

After agreeing, she immediately shouted at the door, "Doctor Zhang, Doctor Zhang, call Dr. Zhang quickly."

Call the ambulance while shouting.

Panicked footsteps came downstairs.

"Hello, this is Haishi First Aid..."

The response from the emergency center came from the handset of the phone, Ji Anning said in a panic: "Here is..."

While reporting the address, she turned to look at the situation of the old man.



A crowd of people ran past her one after another, panicked figures, shouting nervously.

The hair on her shrugged, she looked at the old man, who was looking up and leaning there, motionless, with a pale face.


At the other end of the phone, the emergency center was still waiting for her to report her address, and the urging sound made her react. She stepped back, leaned against the wall, and shook her head in a daze.

No... this was not the result she wanted, she was very dead, this old man, but she never thought of letting him die.

Never had.

Endless fear spread in Ji Anning's heart. She held her head in both hands, still shaking her head desperately.

"Ji Anning, what did you do to my grandfather?"

Ji Ruoqian suddenly rushed over and grabbed Ji Anning by the collar, crying and ranting at her.

Ji Anning lowered his head, not looking at her, not looking back at her.

"Call the police, the police arrested the murderer." Lin Yanqin called the police directly.

Ji Anning lowered his head, let them scold, let them vent their grief and anger.

Regardless of over there, Zhang's and their crying loudly.

"Miss Anning, what medicine do you feed the chairman?"

Suddenly, Doctor Zhang, who had checked the old man, came over to ask her, with a little suspicion and temptation in his tone.

What do you mean? Ji Anning raised her head to look at Dr. Zhang. Doctor Zhang stared at her with a tight eye, still looking suspicious. She opened her mouth and said, "It's just... the medicine in the drawer."

Is there something wrong with that medicine?

Doctor Zhang asked again: "Did you eat it when he was panting badly?"

Ji Anning nodded, "Yes, he pointed to the medicine himself, he wants to take it."

Dr. Zhang frowned and looked puzzled. "It stands to reason that it shouldn't. The chairman's heart problem has been a lot more serious in the past two years, but under normal circumstances, the drug can still shock."

Hearing this, Lin Yanqin, who had just reported to the police, pointed at Ji Anning and determined that the old man was killed by her: "What else is this vicious woman who killed the old man."

She turned around again, and cried to Ji Zhengdao, "Dad, what kind of evil you have done, why do you find such an evil obstacle to come back."

The crying and shouting all seemed to be knocking on Ji Anning's heart. She restrained her tension and looked at Doctor Zhang and said, "Doctor Zhang, what I gave Grandpa is the medicine in the bottle."

Doctor Zhang pursed his lips tightly and lowered his eyes in silence, without replying to Ji Anning.

"Grandpa, grandpa."

Just then, Ji Jingfeng also came back. He entered the door, rushed to the old man's side, knelt on the ground, and cried bitterly with his old man's hand.

Upon seeing this, Lin Yanqin immediately realized something, glanced around, frowned and asked, "Where is Chicheng? Did any of you inform him?"

She remembered that the old man had just given back his position to Ji Jingfeng today, and now that his old man is leaving, is there still a place for the three of them in the big house?

Only Ji Chicheng, who holds 30% of J.C. shares, can fight against Ji Jingfeng.