So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 655: Framed (5)

She suddenly went crazy and was driven crazy.

He ran out of the parking lot, ran to the side of the road, and stopped a taxi.

In the evening, the whole mansion was lit up. Seeing the black car parked at the door, Ji Anning speeded up, stepped onto the steps, and walked in.

Without changing shoes, he broke into the living room.

"Miss Anning."

"Ji Anning, what are you doing back?"

Ignored the servant who looked at her with a surprised look, and ignored the arrogant Ji Ruoqian.

She walked straight to the stairs, went upstairs, and turned to the old man's study. She didn't knock on the door, but pushed in directly.

I saw the old man sitting on the office chair at a glance.

Before the old man looked up at her, she said coldly, "I don’t want shares, I don’t want a single cent from your Ji family, I don’t want anything, I don’t care about anything, I just need to be with Ji Chicheng. ."

As he talked, he approached his old man, aggressively.

The door of the study was not closed, she didn't want to close it, she didn't want to hide it anymore, just wanted everyone to know, everyone knew that she was with Ji Chicheng.

Ji Zhengdao's face was angry, and he whispered angrily: "Ji Anning, do you know what you are talking about?"

Then he got up, walked to the door, and ordered downstairs: "Sister Zhang, no one should go upstairs without my order."

Saying he closed the door, then he turned around.

Ji Anning also turned around to look at him, repeating her meaning more clearly, "I said that I only need to be with Ji Chicheng, and I don't care who he is, and what is the relationship between him and me."

She lifted her chin, with a firm attitude, and there was no room for relaxation.

Ji Zheng's face turned green, but he had to lower his voice, "Ji Anning, do you want to ruin my Ji family?"

"But can you ruin us?" Ji Anning flushed her eyes. "Every time you say so high-sounding, it's not all for your own selfishness. In order to satisfy your own desire for love, you cheated in marriage. Yes, why can’t I and Ji Chicheng fall in love?"

Ji Zhengdao's eyes were choked by her words and pointed at her with trembling fingers, "Ji Anning, you..."

Before he could say an angry word, his old man suddenly fell back and fell on a chair, one hand covering his heart, and the other trembling to the drawer.

Lips trembled fiercely, "Medicine... Medicine..."

Ji Anning became nervous, and hurried over, opened the drawer of the old man’s fingers, and saw a white medicine bottle inside. She took it out, opened it, poured out two capsules and fed it into the old man’s mouth, and then picked up the table. A bit of cold tea, give him a sip.

Watching the old man swallow the medicine, she breathed a sigh of relief and put down the teacup.

But in a blink of an eye, she panicked even more.

The old man was breathing harder than just now, as if he might die at any time, her nervous face turned pale.

"How are you, I'll call Dr. Zhang."

Ji Anning quickly turned around, ready to go to the doctor.

The old man suddenly grabbed her hand, without any strength, she turned her head and looked at him, his old man looked at her pleadingly with a pair of muddy eyes.


Ji Zhengdao was panting more and more rapidly, and couldn't say what he wanted to say.

Ji Anning cried and nodded, "I know, I will not give shares to Ji Jingfeng, not him, I will only give it to my uncle."