So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 654: Framed (4)

Seeing her tightly wrapped in clothes, some hurried steps, as if afraid to avoid it, Ji Chicheng's eyes gradually darkened.

Ji Anning entered the bathroom, closed the door, stood in front of the mirror, looked at her flushed cheeks, took a deep breath, her heartbeat gradually calmed down.

But the feeling that the man's desire swelled in the palm of her hand just now lingered in her mind.

She turned on the faucet and kept pouring cold water on her face.

The rushing water and the cold water couldn't stop him or her from distracting thoughts.

This can't go on, she must restrain the obstacles in her heart.

Otherwise, it would be too cruel to myself and my uncle.

Ji Anning, yes, you... yes.

Holding the sink with both hands, facing the mirror, Amway in my heart over and over again, finally letting herself up the courage, she turned around and opened the bathroom door.

But the man was no longer seen in the room, she walked slowly to the bed, walked to the side where Ji Chicheng had just slept, bent over and reached out to touch it, as well as his temperature.

Her heart was pumping aches.

At this moment, her mobile phone rang, looking in the direction of the familiar ringtone, her bag was on the sofa, and her mobile phone was in the bag.

She walked over and turned out her mobile phone. The caller ID was an unfamiliar sea number. She frowned, guessing who was calling, picking up the phone, putting it to her ear, and making a tentative "hello".

Immediately afterwards, a man's voice that bored her and was a little scared came from the phone.

"An Ning, this is Jing Feng, come out and talk."

The tone was plain, as if the winner was in hand.

Ji Anning said coldly: "Ji Jingfeng, I think there is nothing to talk about between us, don't bother me."

Ji Jingfeng smiled unhurriedly and said: "There are many things we can talk about, such as our marriage."

Before Ji Anning could answer, he added, "What about the 32% of the shares that Grandpa gave you?"

"That was his old man's decision, and I can't be the lord. If you want, wait for his old man a hundred years later. Let me marry you. That's impossible."

Ji Anning’s tone was very firm. After she finished speaking, she wanted to hang up the phone immediately, but Ji Jingfeng’s voice rang first, "Ji Anning, I want you to give me the shares now, otherwise the relationship between you and Ji Chicheng’s uncle and nephew will Immediately come to the world."

Ji Anning's face paled when he heard the words.

She opened her mouth and made no sound for a long time.

Ji Jingfeng lacked patience on the phone, "Ji Anning, have you considered it carefully?"

A flash of hatred flashed in Ji Anning's eyes, and she made up his mind in an instant, hung up the phone, and went out with her cell phone tightly.

"This is not here."

"put it here."

In the living room, only assistants were sitting on the sofa playing games, but Ji Anning was not seen. Ji Anning looked it up in every room, but there was none.

She then asked the assistant: "Qiqi, have you seen Daddy's?"

The assistant looked up at her and said, "Mr. Ji went out just now, in less than three minutes, he seems to be in a hurry."

Hearing this, Ji Anning didn't hesitate, turned back to the room, quickly put on his clothes, followed out, and took the elevator directly to the underground parking lot.

She swept the parking lot of this building with her gaze. There were cars, but Ji Chicheng's cars were missing.