So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 647: The persecution of the birth mother (3)

At this time, I couldn't make a call. Ji Anning was anxious to smash the phone, and he was about to dial again, and the phone rang again.

It was Char who called, and she answered, "Mr. Char, what do you want me to do?"

Char chuckled and replied: "It's just accepting the shares Ji Zhengdao gave you. Wouldn't it be good for you to become the largest shareholder of J.C?"

Ji Anning ignored Char's perfunctory remarks, pressed her irritable mood, and patiently analyzed with a good temper, "You don't know, he transferred the shares to me, in fact, it is just a cover, he can't really The shares were transferred to me. How could his life's hard work give it to me, an outsider."

Char seems to have no patience anymore, and directly used the tone of command, "No matter what calculation he makes, even if he just changes hands from you, as long as he really wants to transfer the shares to you now."

"Mr. Char..."

When there is fire, Ji Anning stretched out his hand and scratched his hair irritably.

Char's voice suddenly sounded again, "In fact, the little handsome guy has been sending people to follow in secret, but he is still a little tenderer than me. Not surprisingly, he should be on his way to me."

So arrogant, arrogant and self-confident... Ji Anning is actually very used to it, and there is a sense of familiarity.

Because Ji Chicheng is the same, no one looks at him, but I dominate.

As Charle said, he suddenly chuckled, with a slight smile in his tone, "It just so happens, I miss him a bit."

Ji Anning: "..."

Moody people are the most terrible.

People like them, the thoughts they want to hide, are absolutely impermeable. You don't know if his nature is evil or good, or what he will do to the people around her.

Ji Anning had no choice but to agree to Char and accept the J.C shares Ji Zhengdao gave her.

After hanging up the phone, she dialed Ji Chicheng's number again. She was still on the phone. What Charr said just now should mean that my uncle already knew what had been taken away.

So at this moment, my uncle must be as anxious as her.

She did not continue to dial Ji Chicheng's number, and directly sent him a short message, telling him that Char used to threaten her to accept the 32% of J.C shares that Ji Zhengdao had transferred to her.

She stared down at the message that had been sent, and pressed her lips tightly.

Uncle, I believe you, will definitely bring them back.

Char said that Ji Chicheng was a little more tender than him. Ji Anning didn't think so. Instead, she felt that compared with them, Ji Chicheng was more courageous.

This feeling may also come from her trust in him.

Then she changed her clothes and walked out of the room. The two people were still standing in their original positions, waiting patiently for her. After a simple wash, she followed them.


During the Spring Festival travel season, especially these few days, there are very many vehicles entering and leaving the city.

In Haishi’s toll booths, there was a long queue at every toll gate. In the white Maserati, Ji Chicheng held the steering wheel in one hand and the phone in the other hand, his handsome face was cold and scary.

"I see. Send me the address immediately."

When the person on the phone finished the report, he responded and immediately hung up.

Immediately afterwards, WeChat received an address and glanced at it. It was an address he knew. No navigation was required. He threw the phone directly into the passenger seat.