So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 648: The persecution of the birth mother (4)


Ji Anning and the others did a high-speed rail, and they reached the sea market in less than three hours.

The press conference is over. The reporter and J.C's minority shareholders have already left. In the empty conference room, only the old man is left sitting on the press board.

Dressed in a decent suit, gray hair, and well-groomed.

With his hands on the table, his back slightly humped, his turbid eyes looked at Ji Anning, with a little vicissitudes of life.

Ji Anning's heart suddenly softened a bit. She walked up to his old man, lowered her eyes, and her long eyelashes flickered.


Ji Zhengdao stared at Ji Anning for a long time, then sighed and said, "Come and sit down."

He reached out and patted the place beside him, and said to Ji Anning.

Ji Anning didn't go over, just raised his head to look at his old man, and asked coldly: "Why do you want to give me the shares?"

Ji Zhengdao replied earnestly: "Here you are, no matter whether you are with Jing Feng in the end, the shares are still our Ji family."

This explanation is impossible, Ji Anning frowned, "You can give Ji Xiangting, Ji Ruoqian, Ji Mingyue...Why is it me?"

Ji Zhengdao laughed. He said, "Because only if it is given to you, there is at least half the possibility that it will be in the hands of Chi Cheng."

Ji Anning was surprised when she heard this.

Does his old man mean to agree that they are together?

Ji Zhengdao knew what she was thinking. He said: "I don't agree with you and Chi Cheng. It's just my idea of ​​taking a step back. If 32% of the shares are in your hands, Yang Yufang will definitely Use your relationship with Chicheng's relatives and nephews to threaten you to marry Jing Feng. If you ignore the influence and ignore everything, there is no need to bother."

As he said, his old man suddenly changed the conversation, "Of course, you still have another choice, which is to hand over the shares to Jing Feng, but unless I die, you have no right to transfer."

Sure enough... she was thinking too much, his old man was forcing her to make a choice and forcing her to face it.

Ji Anning looked at Ji Zhengdao's face full of years, and suddenly felt distressed, "If I were your granddaughter, why would you push me to the mouth of the storm? Why do you treat me so cruelly?"

"Chicheng is all I have. I didn't have time to give it to his mother. I want to give it all to him." Ji Zhengdao stared directly at Ji Anning's tearful eyes.

Very frank, very calm.

Ji Anning sneered, "You don't love him at all, but you impose your love for his mother on him."

She was frustrated with this so-called pro-grandfather.

After speaking, she turned around and left without looking back.

This is the large conference room on the second floor of J.C. There should be many people coming and going at the door, but there are guards at the door, so it is very quiet.


When Ji Anning was about to reach the elevator entrance, a familiar voice suddenly called her from behind.

She paused, her hand trembling on the side of her leg, then turned around with her fist clenched.

Standing blankly on the spot, motionless, watching her approach, clenched his fists.

"Yang Yufang will definitely threaten you to marry Jing Feng by using your relationship with Chicheng's uncle and nephew..."

Will she?

Ji Anning looked at Yang Yufang's familiar face and asked herself.

She didn't know, didn't know if the look she looked at her was a familiar look, she found that her memory was a bit blurred.