So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 646: Persecution of the birth mother (2)

Will she go back to attend the press conference? A suspicion flashed in Ji Anning's eyes, this old man, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?

But no matter what his purpose or what he wants to do, she will not participate in any property disputes in the Ji family.

New products developed over the past ten years, as well as the abdication of the old man, such a big thing, Lin Yanqin must have arrived on the scene, she should not go to see how their family is frowning.

Ji Anning thought, politely smiled at the middle-aged man in front of him, "You help me thank Chairman Ji for showing love, but I have no time to go there."

Hearing that, the middle-aged man said with embarrassed expression: "Miss Anning, the chairman has transferred all the shares under his current name to yours. Please be sure to attend the press conference."

what? All the shares? Transfer to her name?

Ji Anning's eyes widened in shock, somewhat inconceivable. If the company’s shares have not been transferred in the past two years, then in the entire Ji family, only the uncle holds 30% of the shares, and the rest is with the father. .

Excluding about 30% of the foreign shareholders, there are still more than 30% of the shares, which is more than what the uncle holds.

Perhaps J.C’s shares have changed in the past two years?

The JC chief lawyer standing at the door probably saw what Ji Anning was thinking. He pressed the corners of his mouth and nodded affirmatively, "Yes, the chairman transferred 32% of JC’s shares to your name. Now you are the largest shareholder of JC."

J.C’s largest shareholder...

Ji Anning shook his head, "I don't accept it, I didn't sign it."

At this moment, her cell phone ringing suddenly came from her room, and she nodded slightly at the secretary-general in front of her, then turned and entered the room.

She found her mobile phone on the bed and saw the caller ID. She was surprised that it was Char who hadn't contacted for a long time.

Ji Anning kept her eyes suspicious for a while, then answered the phone, put it to her ear, and shouted in a tentative tone: "Mr. Char?"

Immediately afterwards, a familiar middle-aged man's voice came from the receiver, "I heard that Ji Zhengdao is going to transfer 32% of J.C's shares to your name. You are next."

When Ji Anning heard this, she was surprised how Charr knew about this, and heard Charr say: "Actually, there have always been people from me in the senior management of J.C."

Even if you are on the phone, you can guess what she is thinking, and...J.C's senior management has always had his people, how long has it been?

Ji Anning suddenly felt that she was at Chaer's house for the past two years, and in front of Chaer, there was just a piece of white paper. Her words, deeds, and any actions might be under his eyelids.

Think carefully.

She didn't know what Char would do if she asked her to accept the 32% of the shares transferred to her by Ji Zhengdao, and what plot she had, she couldn't take it anyway.

Can't be his pawn.

Ji Anning shook his head and refused decisively, "Mr. Char, I don't want to have anything to do with Ji's property, so I won't accept those shares."

Hearing this, Char did not rush and said: "It's okay, you think about it, I will take it for a while first."

One after another!

Ji Anning's face was shocked and she quickly hung up and dialed the assistant's number, prompting her that the call was turned off.

Her heart sank again, and her hands trembled again to dial out Ji Chicheng's number, but she dialed it several times and was on the phone.

Who are you talking to?