So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 645: The persecution of the birth mother (1)

‘He can never want his own children for you, but how could he be so cruel to me... Why should I be the victim of his immoral love? ’

Although she didn't understand what the mother said, she thought about the insomnia that night.

It is because the father has her that he does not want to have his own child. As for the father's love, she cannot be sure who it means or what it means.

He didn't sleep much all night, and just squinted, he was woken up by Ji Chicheng's phone call. He suddenly had something to go back to the sea market today, and the assistants wanted to send her to her in a while.

The doze was overwhelmed by a phone call from Ji Chicheng. Ji Anning leaned on the bed, flipping his cell phone while brewing, ready to read today's news.

The death of her adoptive father was known by the media, and it went viral for several days. She wanted to see if the heat had gone down. She hated the media using this kind of thing to gain the attention of netizens.

Opening the news network, she frowned in surprise.

He lowered his head, took the phone a little closer, and carefully read the headline news headline and pictures again.

'The first family of the sea, the chairman of the first chaebol JC Group, today announced his abdication and gave way to his eldest grandson, Ji Jingfeng. Today is also the release of a new product developed by JC for a decade. The press conference will be held in the sea meeting room at ten o'clock in the morning. Convene...'

She was surprised to read all the contents of the news, and she was even more surprised if she was surprised.

So Ji Jingfeng didn't brag before? The old man really intends to give him the position?

But she still felt that this was unlikely. Although his old man had inherited the feudal thoughts of family inheritance from male to female, it would not be passed on to an unrelated grandson.

The splendor of his old man's life, let it go?

What the **** are you making? Uncle suddenly has something to return to the sea market, is it because of this incident?

Call and ask!

'Tuk tuk tuk'

Ji Anning was about to dial Ji Chicheng's number when suddenly someone knocked on the door.

She paused, looked at the door and responded, "Come in."

I thought it must be my mother, so don't call my uncle in front of my mother. She was so against them being together.

With her permission, the door opened, and the mother was wearing purple-flowered home clothes, standing at the door, looking at her coldly and saying: "Two people are here, looking for you."

She passed a word indifferently, and then she turned and left.

Two people here? Looking for her?

Ji Anning frowned and lifted the quilt out of bed while wondering. She thought it was definitely not her assistant, because if it was an assistant, she would come in directly.

She didn't know if the person who came was a man or a woman. She stood in front of the mirror, tidyed herself up briefly, and put on her coat before going out.

In the small living room, stood a middle-aged man wearing glasses, dressed in a black suit, and one at the gate.

Ji Anning glanced over their faces and was sure that he had no impression of them at all, and had never seen these two people.

She looked at the man standing in the room with her mouth open, and was about to ask. The man took a step towards her and nodded slightly to her: "Miss An Ning, I am the secretary general of JC's secretary office, and that is the chief lawyer of JC. Liu Changzhi."

First introduced myself, and then said their purpose, "The chairman sent me to pick you up to participate in J.C's 10th anniversary new product launch."