So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 642: Heavy fatherly love (3)

But her eyes and expressions are extremely cold, without a trace of temperature.

Suddenly, a woman's voice called her behind her, interrupting her thoughts. She slowly turned around, looked over, and saw the person coming, her face cooled again, "Who are you? Are we familiar?"

"I...I am An Ning's mother." Yang Yufang hesitated to introduce herself.

Li Fen sneered and raised his eyebrows, "You are An Ning's mother, then who am I?"

Her attitude surprised Yang Yufang, "Mrs. Li, did something happen?"

Li Fen replied, "Mrs. Ji Ershao shouldn't be here."

After speaking, she turned her head and continued to stare at the photo on the tombstone.

"I..." Yang Yufang said carefully, walking towards Li Fen, "I'm just here to send Teacher Li."

Li Fen turned her head and sneered and asked her: "In what capacity? An Ning's biological mother? Or Li Hai's first love?"

Two sharp questions in a row turned Yang Yufang's face pale as she glared at the woman who was full of resentment and hatred towards her.

With his mouth open, there is no sound in his throat.

Li Fen continued to smile coldly: "Are you very pleased to see your daughter walking the way you were back then, she used to love **** like you?"

If she was gloating, she seemed to have made a stab at Yang Yufang's heart. Her face turned pale again, and she shook her head desperately to explain, "Li Fen, I have nothing to do with Teacher Li, he just took me for one semester of class. It's just a junior high school math teacher."

It's okay if you don't explain it. As soon as you explain, Li Fen becomes more angry and roars, "Yes, but just took you one semester of class, he fell in love with you, so he loves Wu Jiwu and raises a daughter for you."

As she talked, she became more excited, craned her neck, and approached Yang Yufang with a calm expression, "Do you know how much he loves your daughter? For your daughter, he went for birth control surgery."

Yang Yufang opened her mouth in astonishment, "This...I really don't know about this."

Tears were already in his eyes.

Li Fen suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Yang Yufang by the collar. "Yang Yufang, you are a selfish and vicious woman. For fame and fortune, you can abandon your own daughter and raise wild children outside. You live in lies all your life, just for one The status of a wealthy wife."

After roaring, she pushed hard.

Yang Yufang was pushed back by her and staggered a few steps, and almost fell.

"You carefully planned and perfected, but you never expected that your daughter would fall in love with her brother-in-law. Originally, your old man would look down on your daughter-in-law who was born in a nightclub, and now he will not let anyone have a blood relationship with the Ji family. Ji Jingfeng, who doesn’t have it, inherits the Ji family, so your dream of the rich queen mother is broken again.

After Li Fen finished speaking, she laughed quickly.

Every word and every word of her was like the tip of a knife, poking Yang Yufang's heart.

‘So I love Wu Jiwu and raise a daughter for you. ’

‘Do you know how much he loves your daughter, for your daughter...’

‘You’re a selfish, vicious woman. For fame and fortune, you can abandon your own daughter and raise wild children outside...’

'But you never thought that your daughter would fall in love with her brother-in-law. Originally, your old man looked down on your daughter-in-law born in a nightclub. Now he will not let a Ji Jingfeng who has no blood relationship with the Ji family inherit the Ji family. ...'

Ji Jingfeng took off the earphones, staring blankly at the road ahead, thinking about what Li Fen had just said in his ears.