So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 643: Heavy fatherly love (4)

Ji Jingfeng took off his headphones, staring blankly at the road ahead, thinking about what Li Fen had just said in his ears.

He shook his head.

No, impossible, how could he not be related to Ji family? How could he not be Ji's child?

It must be the old woman talking nonsense, it must be.

However, after Ji Anning entered Ji's house, the mother's mother's little bit about Ji Anning kept flashing in his mind.

And his mother reminded and warned again and again in his ear.

‘You must be with Anning, in this life you can only be with Anning. ’

‘There would be no peace without you Ji Jingfeng, so put away your careful thoughts about being sorry for peace. ’


Not letting himself think anymore, he clenched his fists in both hands and thumped his head vigorously, "Impossible, impossible..."

‘Jing Feng, marry An Ning, I will abdicate to you immediately. ’

He is Ji Jingfeng, not a wild child, he belongs to the Ji family, is the grandfather of the Ji family's direct relatives, and is the only heir of J.C.

J.C is his, no one can stop him from sitting in that position! ! !

Ji Jingfeng raised his head, his eyes flashed with a wolf's light, his ambition was revealed.


It has been several days, and the mother has been sitting in her own room, looking coldly at the photo of her father, without saying a word.

And as soon as she arrived at the restaurant, she would come out to eat, eating a lot, as if she was angry.

Such a state worries Ji Anning very much.

"Mom, the air tickets are all booked, and we will leave the day after tomorrow." Ji Anning put a little dish into her mother's bowl and said while watching her reaction, "Let's see if there are any arrangements to arrange... …"

Mother coldly interrupted her voice, "You go, I won't go."

She didn't raise her head, just like the situation these days, she tried to squeeze rice into her mouth.

"You eat slowly." Ji Anning warned with a frown, and then she persuaded her in a good voice: "You go to relax, and you will be fine when you come back."

"If you are going to Ji's house, I can live with you for a while." Mother still did not look up.

Hearing this, Ji Anning looked at her old man very seriously once again and said: "Mom...I and Jing Feng are no longer together."

"Pa" mother suddenly put the chopsticks on the table heavily, and screamed at Ji Anning heartbroken: "Do you like **** so much?"

Ji Anning was startled!

This was the first time her mother yelled at her so loudly. Seeing the tears gradually flashing in her eyes, she took back the rebellious words from her lips.

The mother's tone also calmed down, "Do you know that you and he is still reciting your name before he died, do you know how much he loves you."

She choked off, covered her mouth and got up, and ran into the room.

Ji Anning was about to chase in, when her mother suddenly came out, holding an old wooden box in her hand, walked to the dining table and threw it in front of her.

"what is this?"

The lock on the box was opened, Ji Anning slowly stretched out his hand to open the lid of the box.

What catches the eye is a stack of photos, and some girls' gold and silver jewelry, hairpin head flowers, and a red head flower, which immediately evoked Ji Anning's memories for a while.

‘New Year’s Day, Jiajia is one year older and wears a big red flower. ’

This head flower was bought by her father during the last year she spent in this home.