So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 641: Heavy fatherly love (2)

Ji Chicheng nodded, "Okay."

Ji Anning was surprised that he could agree so easily, and she didn't show any deliberate ridicule.

This...not his style.

Suddenly, Ji Chicheng added, "I'm waiting for the day when you show me the light."

As he said, he raised his foot and walked past Ji Anning.

It sounds like an angry tone, but it is full of patience and tolerance, with a proud figure, tall and stalwart.

Ji Anning pursed the corners of his lips, feeling very at ease.


My father was cremated three days after his death. The cemetery was selected two years ago, because my father's health has been in poor condition over the years and he may die at any time.

So Ji Anning arranged all this when he was able to.

It's in C city.

On the day of the funeral, Xiang Yiqing and Qi Helian arrived, as well as some distant relatives of their father.

They came all the way, and the Spring Festival was about to be celebrated in a few days. They came in a hurry and went back in a hurry. Only a few of them were left one after another.

Mother has been standing in front of his father's tombstone, looking down at his father's photo, her eyes are red, but she doesn't shed many tears.

Ji Anning always felt that she wanted to cry, but she could not let herself cry. As for the reason, she couldn't think of it.

I just feel that this time my mother's attitude is too abnormal.

The wind was so strong that her old man had no intention of leaving. Seeing her thin body being blown by the wind, Ji Anning walked over, took her arm, and whispered: "Mom, let's go. ."

"Hey" mother's thoughts were interrupted, she sighed softly, turned her head to look at Ji Anning sadly.

She watched for a while before she said, "An Ning, you go first, I want to stay with your father for a while, and I want to tell him a lot."

Ji Anning nodded, "Okay, then I will wait for you outside the cemetery."

Mother shook her head, "No, you should go back with them one after another. I know to go back later, so don't worry about me."

With that said, she tapped on the back of Ji Anning's hand twice, and then pushed her hand away.

He looked at the tombstone again.

Ji Anning pursed her lips, took a deep look at her mother, did not speak any more, turned around and said to Ji Chicheng faintly: "Let's go."

Ji Anning had long noticed that someone was following them. When she got out of the cemetery, she wore oversized black sunglasses and got directly into the black business car driven by Qi Helian and Xiang Yiqing.

Avoid being in the same frame as Ji Chicheng.

Then she opened the car window and told the assistant who followed: "Kiki, wait here for a while, my mother."

"Okay." The assistant nodded in response, and got into the car that Ji Chicheng drove from Haishi behind.

After that, Qi Helian and Ji Chicheng got on the commercial car one after another, and everyone left first.

The black commercial vehicle drove to the next intersection. At the next intersection, it completely disappeared. The black Audi, which was parked 100 meters away from the gate of the cemetery, drove slowly to the gate of the cemetery.

The back door of the car opened, and the woman in a black windbreaker got out of the car, but the black eyepieces couldn't stop the haggardness on her face.

She held the LV bag strap in her hand tightly with both hands, stood at the door of the car and took a deep breath before raising her foot and walking towards the cemetery.

"Li Fen."

Li Fen locked his eyes on the photo on the tombstone, and the man in the military shirt looked righteous and awe-inspiring.