So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 640: Heavy fatherly love (1)

"If Grandpa doesn't want to give it, why should Ji Jingfeng take it?" Ji Anning raised an eyebrow coldly, and then continued: "Grandpa can choose to give it to Ji Xiangting or Ji Ruoqian, and sister-in-law, Why must it be Ji Jingfeng? I’m not a fool. You want to use me to force my uncle to take over Ji’s house and take over JC. You tried it two years ago and it failed. Do you want me to cooperate with you again and hurt Did he once?"

"Just for your indispensable face and love the house? Do you have to impose what my uncle doesn't want on my uncle?"

"Actually I don't think how much you love my uncle, you really love my uncle's mother."

Ji Anning's words are like tons, and his sentences are sharp.

It seemed to have caught Ji Zhengdao's heart. His face looked ugly for a while before he asked Ji Anning angrily: "Then you are determined to stay with Chi Cheng at all costs?"

On the second floor, the man had just arrived at the top of the stairs and heard the familiar voice of the old man. He paused for a moment with his feet preparing to step down, and then gently retracted.

He looked forward to Ji Anning's answer more than the old man who asked this question. He was even a little nervous, and his hands in the pockets of his trousers couldn't help making fists.

"Yes, rain or shine."

Ji Anning nodded without hesitation. She said: "I can put aside the world, I will live in seclusion abroad with him and never return to China again. This is the only condition I can promise you."

As she said, she paused for a while, glanced at the old man’s reaction, and then continued: "I hope that grandpa, you will not do meaningless obstruction, especially on the body. Please do not make any more ideas, otherwise Even if it's you... my uncle's father, I won't be polite to you."

The attitude is clear, decisive and strong.

After that, she stopped looking at his old man and stepped up the stairs.


"Uncle, why didn't you sleep?"

Ji Anning gently opened the door of the lounge. Ji Chicheng sat on the sofa and looked down at the phone. She frowned and asked with a slight reproach.

Then closed the door and walked towards Ji Chicheng.

Ji Chicheng raised his eyelids and glanced lightly at Ji Anning. Seeing that she was about to be in front of him, he put down the phone in his hand and got up to meet him.

Open your arms and hug her.

Ji Anning's petite body was tightly bound by his long arms. She was surprised, for this hug.

Even somewhat surprised, she raised her head.

Ji Chicheng bowed his head and kissed her on the head. There was no words, but it contained a lot.


After a long pause, Ji Anning also stretched out his arms, bound Ji Chicheng's waist, pressed his side face to his chest, and whispered: "Thank you for loving me so much, thank you for being so infatuated with me."

Speaking of estrus, her eyes pant sour, and she sniffed, crying.

Ji Chicheng suddenly pushed her away, frowned and looked at her face, "Are you shameless?"

"What?" Ji Anning's face flushed, she clenched her fist, raised it, and punched Ji Chicheng on the shoulder twice.

Then she raised her head again and looked at Ji Chicheng with a serious face: "Grandpa and Ji Jingfeng have been here just now, so you should take them to the hotel first. Don't stay here anymore. This place, you can never stay here. Okay, and the news of my father's death is likely to be heard by the media. You and Qi Helian are currently in hot scandals. I don't think you should change the news headlines."