So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 639: You are not welcome (6)

Ji Anning didn't respond to Ji Jingfeng, but he still turned to look for Ji Chicheng.

She knew very well in her heart that the old man came to pay homage to her father by the way, and it was true that it was true to find Ji Chicheng.

He is such a face-loving person, how could he allow his son to talk about the funeral of his grandson and daughter-in-law's father, not to mention that if he was associated with the media, the old man himself would not be able to survive the feudal hurdle in his heart.

So in order to avoid trouble, she still went to discuss with her uncle, let him go with him one after another, because they happened to be here one after another. It is very inconvenient to sleep well and eat well.

Ji Jingfeng watched Ji Anning walk out of the door and curled her lips coldly.

Then turned to look at Ji Anning's mother Li Fen, "I seem to have seen pictures of my father-in-law somewhere."

"Really." Li Fen smiled and said faintly: "It should be a picture taken by An Ning."

"It doesn't seem to be." Ji Jingfeng looked at the portrait of Ji Anning's father again, and fixed his gaze on the photo. Ji Anning's father was wearing the clothes. After a long time thinking about it, he remembered, "It was my mother. There, I saw it not long ago, wearing this suit, the green shirt from the army."

His tone is very determined.

Li Fen’s face changed for a moment, and he immediately regained a gentle smile, “It’s normal. You are a big family. Your family will definitely check Anning and the details of our entire family. So your mother should have me and Anning. Father’s photo."

While she was speaking, her eyes wandered a little, and she never looked at Jing Feng's eyes.

With my hands together, I look a little nervous.

Ji Jingfeng watched all of Li Fen's performance in his eyes, pursed the corners of his mouth calmly, and gloomily glanced at the portrait of Ji Anning's father, his eyes were a little more suspicious.

"Mother-in-law, you are busy, I'll go to see the situation in Anning first."

Ji Jingfeng absently greeted Li Fen and left.



When Ji Anning reached the stairway to the lounge, a familiar old man called her.

His old man hasn't left yet?

She stopped, turned her head and looked in the direction of the sound, Ji Zhengdao walked out from behind the big stone pillar in the corridor.

Ji Anning nodded slightly to his old man, "Chairman Ji."

Ji Zhengdao walked in front of her, stared deeply at her face for a while, then sighed: "Hey, why can't you understand Grandpa's hardship? When you see the eyes, you should be clear in your heart. You are wrong, and so wrong, why do you continue to be wrong?"

He frowned, helpless and vicissitudes of life.

The divergent eyes are the biggest pain in Ji Anning's heart. She couldn't help raising her hand, holding the handrail of the stairs, and then she mustered the courage, raised her chin slightly, and smiled at Shangji Zhengdao's gaze and said, "Yes. Ah, I was wrong, but since I have been wrong and paid the price, why not keep going wrong, maybe wrong wrong can get right?"

Her tone was serious and joking.

Ji Zhengdao was very unhappy when he heard it, and his temper came up again, but he had to suppress his anger and lower his voice, "An Ning, you are also the blood of our Ji family, and you are also a member of the Ji family, so don't you just keep your eyes open? Seeing that everything in the Ji family was taken away by someone who has no blood relationship with the Ji family?"