So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 631: Gamble again (1)

"Maple, how are you doing?"

Ji Anning walked past Ji Jingfeng, and the woman who had robbed her of white fungus and Sydney juice just now dared to help Ji Jingfeng.

Even if he is anxious and knows everything, his voice is tender and tender.

Ji Anning sneered, there are really very few men in this world who are as affectionate as her uncle.

Ji Jingfeng, who used to kill her for Ginkgo, still remember who Ginguo is?

In the past year or so, the father seemed to have relaxed his discipline a lot. When she occasionally followed the domestic news, she always saw lace news about J.C vice president Ji Jingfeng.

In Ji's house before, this was a taboo.

"Grandpa is already preparing for the press conference, abdicate to me..."

She still did not believe that the face-saving old man would hand over the Ji family to a Ji Jingfeng who had no blood relationship with the Ji family.

Abdicated to Ji Jingfeng, abducted more than her and his uncle came back.

What is his old man's plan? Which move to take?

"Let's continue soaking, unlucky."

Ji Anning followed Qi Helian and didn't go far, before she saw Ji Chicheng, standing there with a tall body wearing a bath towel, with a cold face.

The moment Ji Anning looked up and saw him, she knew how nervous she was when she faced Ji Jingfeng just now.

At that moment, she felt a sense of security in her heart, accelerated her pace, walked in front of Ji Chicheng, looked up at him and said, "Uncle, let's go back to Country M."

Never come back again, be ignorant of world affairs, and live a pure life.

"Good." Ji Chicheng nodded.

This is exactly what he thought. He wanted to take her away two years ago, no... a long time ago.

"I really gave up this high-value face and used it as a cover for you. Why do you have to show me something?"

Qi Helian, who was ignored, complained with dissatisfaction.

Ji Chicheng looked at him, "I see you are in the play under cover."

Qi Helian: "..."

He looked at the backs of Ji Chicheng and Ji Anning who turned and walked away, frowning and wondering.

Is it really so...obvious?


"Maple, are you okay?"


Ji Jingfeng got up, pushed the charming woman beside him irritably, staring fiercely in the direction where Ji Anning and Qi Helian disappeared.

"Ji Anning, you wait for me."

This is not the first time Qi Helian has been violently beaten in public because of Ji Anning.

That time, even if she disappeared by herself, this time she provoked him again, just to settle the old and new accounts together.

"Let's not come and come just because a scumbag spoils our interest."

They returned to the small pool area where they had just soaked in the hot springs. Qi Helian took Ji Chicheng, pointed to an empty pool not far away, and said to them: "I just ordered another pool, you feudal petty kid, take Let Ji Anning go over there."

She said while pushing Ji Chicheng towards that pool.

"You two soaked there well, I took them one after another, no one disturbed you."

Originally, it was over. Ji Anning didn't think anything. Qi Helian had to add ‘no one disturbs you’ to make her feel embarrassed.

She stopped, looked at Ji Chicheng blushingly, and whispered: "Don't soak."

"Don't be so disappointed, it's rare for me to spare my schedule, Xiaoye." Qi Helian went back again, preparing to grab Ji Anning's arm.

Ji Chicheng's figure flashed past him, grabbed Ji Anning's hand and led her to the empty pond.