So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 632: Gamble again (2)

Ji Anning was almost dragged by him.

Unsuspectingly, she opened her mouth in shock.

Qi Helian didn't step forward, staying on the spot, watching them go away, the corner of his mouth was bent bitterly.

Qi Helian, you really deserve a World Brother Award.

Ji Chicheng dragged Ji Anning directly down the pool, going deeper and deeper, and his body, which was freezing cold on the shore, gradually warmed up.

They walked to the opposite side and sat on the steps in the water, their bodies close to each other, all wearing bath towels.

Ji Anning squinted at Ji Chicheng, his head slightly lowered, quiet and gentle.

"Uncle." She yelled softly, rubbing her hands awkwardly.

Ji Chicheng said ‘um’ and raised his head to look at her, "Let’s watch the game."

It's the ball game again...

Ji Anning couldn't help but flash in her mind that night, when they gambled and played Truth or Dare, she lost and was kissed for five minutes.

Her face flushed, she lowered her head, but her heart was about to move, "Ah... okay."

Nodded involuntarily.


Ji Chicheng stood up, went to the shore to take his mobile phone, returned to Ji Anning and sat down, this time the two were closer than they were just now, their arms pressed together.

Ji Chicheng was operating his mobile phone. Ji Anning glanced at his home screen. Her heart seemed to be smeared with honey, and the sweet feeling was incredible.

It's a picture of her sleeping soundly.

She also saw that Ji Chicheng had a lot of games stored in his phone, including football and basketball.

He opened one casually, and then said to Ji Anning: "I suppress Barcelona."

"No." Ji Anning refused, she said: "I'll oppress Barcelona this time."

She thinks this is also a replay, so he must have known the outcome a long time ago, he pressed Barcelona so eagerly, Barcelona must have won.

"Okay." Ji Chicheng nodded, "Then I will crush Real Madrid."

"Are the bets still the same as that day?"

The game had started for a long time, and there were so many nervous and heart-pounding moments, Ji Anning finally mustered up the courage to ask about the stakes.

Barcelona nearly scored several times, and the stakes are not yet known.

"Yeah." Ji Chicheng nodded, focusing on the screen, not looking at Ji Anning.

So Ji Anning didn't see a hint of sly in his eyes.

"The ball has been scored..."

Finally, in the 30th minute of the first half, the commentator shouted for a goal. Ji Anning quickly glanced at the screen, and the players in white jerseys hugged and cheered.

Ji Anning frowned, "Real Madrid?"

She stretched out her hand to grab the phone in Ji Chicheng's hand, and looked carefully, it was Real Madrid who scored the goal.

"Ji Anning."

Annoyed and depressed, Ji Chicheng leaned in her ear.

The warm breath lingered in her ears.

Ji Anning turned his head, frowned and looked at Ji Chicheng’s magnified handsome face in front of her, pouting and asked: "Uncle, did you deliberately, right? Actually, Real Madrid must have won this time, you know I will definitely be blind Follow you."

"Yeah." Ji Chicheng nodded without evasiveness, and then he suddenly changed the subject, "However, you only guessed the beginning but not the ending."

You guessed the beginning, but didn't guess the ending? What do you mean?

Ji Anning blinked puzzledly.

Ji Chicheng said: "In this game, Barcelona still won, but Real Madrid actually scored the first goal."

After a pause, he continued: "I know you will choose with me, and I... won't give you wrong guidance, won't let you lose, but you don't trust me unconditionally and care too much."