So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 630: Encounter Ji Jingfeng (3)

She said as she walked behind Ji Anning.

maple! Sure enough, she heard it right.

Ji Anning reacted and was about to leave, when the familiar voice suddenly called her, "Ji Anning?"

Doubt, surprise, ridicule.

Ji Anning paused, and wanted to move on, Ji Jingfeng's voice continued, "Don't you dare to see me? Still have no face to see people?"

Don't pay attention to it, don't have general knowledge with them here, and tear it up with the ex-fiance here, it's too cheap.

Ji Anning told herself this in her heart, so she continued to lift her foot.

But Ji Jingfeng pursued her, "Ji Anning, I ask you, why are you back?"

Ji Anning didn't speak, and moved faster and faster, heading in the direction of Ji Chicheng and others.

"You have to keep going and I will do it."

Ji Jingfeng threatened.

Ji Anning stopped, turned around, glared at him and cursed: "Ji Jingfeng, do you have a brain twitch? I'm back to take care of you? The sea is so big, is it yours?"

"Humph!" Ji Jingfeng snorted coldly, and then severely warned Ji Anning: "I warn you, don't step into Ji's house anymore."

Ji Anning curled her lips in disdain, "Don't worry, I have no interest in your Ji family at all."

This family has a delusion of property seizure.

When she came back, it was enough to see that they were all soldiers.

"Really? What about you to Ji Chicheng? Isn't he from the Ji family?" Ji Jingfeng gritted his teeth with hatred when he mentioned this.

This is an unforgettable shame in his life, being cuckold by his uncle.

This is also the greatest shame of men in the world.

Ji Anning's expression changed, she glanced around quickly, and there were many people in the big pool taking pictures of her with their mobile phones.

She gritted her teeth, leaned close to Ji Jingfeng, and warned: "Ji Jingfeng, it's best not to shame you. No one wants to prevent you from being at Ji's house, but if you dare to interfere in my life, I will definitely make you look good. "

Hearing this, Ji Jingfeng snorted with disdain, "Grandpa is already preparing for the press conference, and he has abdicated to me. I want to see what you and Ji Chicheng can do to make me look good."

As he said, he suddenly grabbed the disdain and ridicule at the corner of his mouth, and became ugly, "You **** dog men and women."


A crisp and resounding eight chapters firmly fell on Ji Jingfeng's handsome face.

Five fingerprints immediately appeared on his face.

With this slap, Ji Anning was full of strength, and her palms were numb. While shaking her wrists, she looked at Ji Jingfeng coldly and said, "I didn't want to settle the old accounts with you, but you just caught up with me. ."

"Ji Anning, dare you hit me."

Ji Jingfeng covered his mouth and stunned for a while, and when he reacted, he also raised his hand viciously to face Ji Anning's face.

Before Ji Anning dodged, a tall figure rushed forward at lightning speed, stood in front of Ji Anning, and clasped Ji Jingfeng's wrist.

Twist it harder and make a ‘creak’.

The next second I heard Ji Jingfeng's painful cry, "Ah..."

"Ji Jingfeng, it seems that the lesson I taught you last time was too light."

Qi Helian said, shaking his hand fiercely, pushing Ji Jingfeng to the ground.


Too much attention was paid to them, Qi Helian didn't stay much longer, turned around to greet Ji Anning, and strode deeply.