So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 629: Encounter Ji Jingfeng (2)

The three men took them one after another and went into the water one after another.

Ji Anning dangled for a while, turned around, took off his bathrobe, and showed his body in bikinis.

Ji Chicheng, who was playing with him, raised his head and saw Ji Anning. His handsome face sank suddenly. He turned around and yelled at Qi Helian and Xiang Yi, "You guys don't get out of here!"

Really, Ji Anning felt that the ground was shaking.

She was taken aback, and quickly turned around, took the bathrobe from the chair and put it on again, "I won't soak, you guys, I will get you some drinks and fruits to eat."

After saying hello, Ji Anning immediately wrapped up his bathrobe and ran away without waiting for any of them to speak.

All the food is in the big pond.

There were a lot of people, Ji Anning walked over with the eyepieces, first walked to the barbecue area, ordered ten skewers of lamb, and then went shopping while eating.

"Please give me a cup of white fungus and Sydney."

When he was thirsty, Ji Anning went to the drink counter to buy a drink.

"I also want a white fungus and Sydney."

As soon as her voice fell, another woman came over, and she asked for a copy exactly like her.

Ji Anning glanced at the woman instinctively, wearing a pink bikini, even if she was wearing a bath towel, she couldn't stop her hot figure.

Seeing other people wearing bikinis so magnanimously, she was a little depressed, ready to look down at her.

The waiter has already prepared a serving of Sydney and put it on the counter, "Miss, your Sydney juice is ready."

Just as Ji Anning was about to reach for it, the woman next to her took the drink away from her.

She frowned and looked over, the woman had already bitten the straw, and even rolled her eyes in disdain.

People have a victorious heart. Ji Anning frowned and said, "Obviously I want it first."

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry." The woman raised her head and gave Ji Anning a disdainful look.

Then she turned to leave, Ji Anning reached out and grabbed her shoulder, "Sorry, I'm in a hurry."

When she said it was too late, she stretched out her other hand, grabbed the drink from the woman, turned around and threw it into the trash can next to it.

If the attitude is a little better, then forget it, rude and rude to be so proud, as if it is still very honorable.

Now that woman won't forgive her, and cursed at her: "You woman has something wrong, right?"

Ji Anning ignored her, reached out and picked up another glass of Sydney juice made by the counter attendant, then turned and left.

"You stop me."

The woman didn't intend to let Ji Anning go, followed her, grabbed her arm, Ji Anning waved her hand quickly, and threw the woman's hand away.

Then she turned to look at her, and said faintly: "I just want to tell you that everything has a first-come, first-come, so why do you jump in line with confidence?

"Yo yo yo, aren't you an actor under the unspoken rules of the director? Who do you teach here?" The woman recognized Ji Anning, but didn't pull with her, clasped her arms, shouted loudly, "Here is A big star, do you want to take a photo with her?"

Hearing this, the people around him looked at Ji Anning.

Ji Anning frowned in annoyance, and just about to leave, suddenly a familiar man's voice came from behind her.

"Miaomiao, what are you doing?"

This voice!

Ji Anning's expressions and movements were stiff.

The arrogant and domineering woman in front of her suddenly became charming, "Maple, this big star is bullying me."