So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 624: Tsundere men are not easy to coax (3)

Ji Chicheng's voice was still in Xiang Yiqing's ears, and Xiang Yiqing heard the busy tone of ‘toot’ again, and the phone hung up.

He took the phone away from his ear, and said amusedly as he locked the screen, "Heh, this guy, he has a really big appetite."

Putting away the phone, he grinned at Ji Anning, "Let's go."

Ji Anning curled up her mouth shyly, lowered her head and followed Xiang Yiqing's back.

Seeing the second-story bungalow of Xiang Yiqing's family, the memory of that year was frightened because of her pregnancy, flashed in her mind.

‘I heard you went to try the wedding dress this afternoon. ’

'looks good? ’

‘You’re really inferior to that ginkgo, if someone shows up, you can’t stand the stimulation and jump into the sea...’

Thinking back to Ji Chicheng's words now, it is really sour.

It turned out that he was jealous at the time, and she said how inexplicable she came to care about her life and death.

Obviously he was the culprit who committed suicide by jumping into the sea!

Thinking of it, Ji Anning stomped with hatred.

Xiang Yiqing also likes simplicity. All the furniture in the living room is basically the same color, white.

The curtains were also half-closed, and the sunshade curtains were half-closed and floated up by the sea breeze. It was probably left for a while in the morning to ventilate, and the room was chilly.

Ji Anning put on his shoes, still curling his neck when entering the door.

Xiang Yiqing saw that she was cold and hurried to close the window, "I will close the window."

After closing the window, Xiang Yiqing greeted Ji Anning again: "Sit as you like, I'll go to the refrigerator to see what dishes are there, and I'll add some more later."

Ji Anning didn't sit down, and went into the kitchen with Xiang Yiqing. She said, "If there are ingredients, I will make them."

"I have to see." Xiang Yiqing walked to the front of the refrigerator, opened the door of the refrigerator, and chopped it inside. "If you want to invite two expensive and young people to dinner, I can't be too shabby. I will go to the nearby farmer's market to buy vegetables. Do you want to go together?"

"You go buy it, I'll stay and take care of what you have in your refrigerator."

Ji Anning leaned on the door frame and waited for Xiang Yiqing to leave before she entered the kitchen.

Xiang Yiqing didn't close the refrigerator door just now. Ji Anning went to the door of the refrigerator and scanned the inside. The refrigerator was full of yogurt, pure milk, purified water, etc.

Just look at the refrigerator and know that this is a man who knows how to keep a house.

She pursed her lips and couldn't help thinking, what kind of woman is suitable for a man like Xiang Yiqing?

Anyway, no matter what kind of woman, she should be too happy.

Although they don't have much contact, through just a few contacts, it can be seen that he is an extremely attentive man. Maybe his heart is not very gorgeous every time, but he can make you feel that he is very real by your side.

When Ji Anning turned to every corner, there was only order.

She wondered if there was a woman in Xiang Yiqing's family.

All the ingredients and the bowls to be used were taken out, and she began to prepare vegetables. Xiang Yiqing's big apron, tied to her, looked very big.

"Hey, it's pretty fast."

Xiang Yiqing bought a large bag of ingredients and saw Ji Anning's prepared dishes. He was full of praise, "I can't tell that you are still out of the hall and in the kitchen."

Ji Anning smiled modestly: "I can also cook simple dishes that women can cook."

Xiang Yiqing disagreed with him, "Not all women can cook, and some can't even cook frozen dumplings."

What? Can you not cook quick-frozen dumplings? Ji Anning frowned, a little unbelievable, "Ha! Does that require technical content?"