So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 623: Tsundere men are not easy to coax (2)

The man also looked at her, and was shocked, Ji Anning took off his mask and laughed.

She lifted her foot and kicked the ball under her foot, but the tall man walked towards her with a smile on his handsome face.

The off-white sweater and gold-framed glasses add a touch of elegance to his handsome foundation.

Taking him over, Ji Anning raised a hand and swayed, "Doctor Xiang is a coincidence."

"Unfortunately, my house is here." Xiang Yiqing put his hands in the pockets of black slacks, walked to the side of Ji Anning, and turned to leaned against the guardrail side by side with her.

Then turned his head and looked at Ji Anning.

"Um!" Ji Anning was surprised, "Do you live here?"

"Have you forgotten?" Xiang Yiqing raised his eyebrows and prompted: "That year you fell into the water, I saved you, and you lived in my house."

Ji Anning remembered it and nodded, "Oh...I remember."

She was embarrassed when she thought of that incident and jumped into the sea to commit suicide.

Seeing that Ji Anning was embarrassed, Xiang Yiqing naturally changed the subject, "Why are you sitting here alone?"

"Blowing the sea breeze." Ji Anning said, pointing to the sea behind him, "Appreciate the sea."

Xiang Yi lightly nodded and said with a bit of joke: "I often see you on the news now. The news about you and Helian is my biggest entertainment every day."

"Cough!" Ji Anning smiled embarrassedly, "Don't mention it, the media can talk the most."

She lowered her head, her cheeks flushed.

Xiang Yiqing looked at her, "Chicheng also came back yesterday."

"I know." Ji Anning nodded, and then added, "I came back with him."

Xiang Yiqing asked: "Then why is he not with you?"

"I'm angry, don't answer my call, ignore me." Ji Anning looked up at the sky, and said thoughtfully: "Maybe I won't be bothered for a while."

After speaking, she curled her lips and sighed helplessly.

Xiang Yi heard the words lightly and said amusedly: "A big man is still such a big man?"

As he said, he reached out his hand and took out the phone from his pocket, "I'll call and tell him to come to my house for dinner, and it just so happens that Helian is back to the sea market today."

Xiang Yiqing dialed Ji Chicheng's number as he spoke.

Ji Anning looked at him gratefully, "Doctor Xiang, it would be great for you to call him, let him call them too."

"One after another?" Xiang Yiqing wondered, then asked, "Is it you and Chi Cheng's daughter?"

At this time, the phone in his hand had already dialed Ji Chicheng's number.

Before Ji Anning could return to him, Ji Chicheng's impatient voice came from the receiver, "What's the matter?"

Xiang Yiqing frowned, "What is it that upsets you? There has never been a good tone of voice when answering my phone."

He also complained about it. He didn't expect Ji Chicheng to apologize to him or comfort him, and then he said again: "I caught a big fish and brought your young man to my place for dinner. Helian did it for a while. Come."

"Don't go." Ji Chicheng coldly refused Xiang Yiqing's invitation.

Xiang Yiqing understood him and knew that he was about to hang up, so he hurriedly said, "Ji Chicheng, how long have we not seen you? I heard that you brought the Xiaogongju back yesterday, and Qi Helian said that the little girl is cute. , You brought it out to show me, my big meeting ceremony is waiting for her."

Hearing that, Ji Chicheng paused over there, "Your so-called big meeting ceremony, preferably a hospital."