So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 625: Tsundere men are not easy to coax (4)

"Yes, I also think that idiot will do it." Xiang Yi nodded lightly, and after thinking about it, he smiled again: "But there is something that can cook quick-frozen dumplings into rice. Meaty."

After speaking, he bowed his head and continued to wash the vegetables.

Ji Anning glanced at him, the corner of his mouth seemed helpless.

She laughed, "A stupid person has a silly blessing, and he can't do anything to let people have a chance to spoil her. If they can do everything, what do they want a man to do?"

"It seems that your women's views are really the same." Xiang Yiqing said, turning his head to look at Ji Anning, and then added, "Regardless of age."

After speaking, he laughed again.

That light smile, Ji Anning felt that it contained too much and too deep meaning.

She doesn't like to pick up other people's gossip, just understand it clearly in her heart, there is no need to break it.

"Doctor Xiang, don't you say you caught a big fish?"

When all the dishes were almost ready, Ji Anning looked around, but did not see the big fish that Xiang Yiqing had told Ji Chicheng on the phone, so she asked curiously.

"Aren't you?" Xiang Yiqing looked at Ji Anning and raised his eyebrows.

Ji Anning reacted, blushing embarrassedly, "Cough!"

She frowned, then smiled and said: "My uncle has a very small mind, and he is very caring about it. If he doesn't, I don't know if he will force you to fish."

"I believe this." Xiang Yi nodded lightly.

There was a prickly sound in the pot, and the two of them were very engaged in talking, without knowing that a pair of deep eyes were staring at them bitterly.

"I will bring the prepared dishes to the table first."

Having prepared a few dishes, Ji Anning stole a quick meal on one of them, and then greeted Xiang Yiqing with the plate.

Turned around, walked a few steps, suddenly raised her head, met a pair of cold eyes, she was surprised, "Uncle."

The familiar name blurted out.

Hearing her shouting, Xiang Yiqing turned his head and saw Ji Chicheng standing at the door of the kitchen. He raised the spatula he was holding in his hand and shook him, "Ji Shao, it’s a coincidence. Hurry up and taste. Try your peaceful craftsmanship."

Xiang Yiqing's words gave Ji Anning courage. She walked in front of Ji Chicheng and handed the two pots in her hand to him, "Uncle, taste it."

Ji Chicheng didn't look at the dishes, but looked at Ji Anning's little cowardly face, and sneered: "Heh, Ji Anning, I underestimated you."

Ji Anning narrowed his mouth and shrugged, with a helpless look, "You ignore me and don't answer my phone calls. I can only trouble Dr. Xiang all the way."

She didn't explain. She happened to ran into Xiang Yiqing in the park. She felt that since he had misunderstood so much, she would admit it.

Then he might think she was more sincere.

"You can't even blink your eyes when you lie now?"

Ji Chicheng raised his eyebrows, a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

Ji Anning didn't know that Ji Chicheng had been sending someone to follow her, so she didn't understand what he was talking about, but she knew one thing, and he was still angry.

"What about one after another?"

So as not to arouse him more anger, she simply changed the subject.

Before she finished speaking, a familiar man's voice came from outside the restaurant, "Here, here, here is our girl."

The master of the voice followed in.

Qi Helian was wearing a blue sweater and dark blue jeans, holding in his arms, and entering the door with a smile.

Ji Chicheng turned his head and glanced at him, his mouth was immediately closed for a few seconds.