So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 622: Tsundere men are not easy to coax (1)

"Daddy is with you." The little girl held Ji Chicheng's clothes tightly with her small hands.

I'm afraid he will be gone.

Ji Chicheng nodded distressedly, "Okay, Dad will be with you."

The little girl lay on the bed and fell asleep quickly in Ji Chicheng's arms, but still clutching his clothes with both hands.

Ji Chicheng didn't move. He stared deeply at the small faces. He found that the two-year-olds were so similar to the tranquility at the age of six.

Especially when there is no sense of security, a pair of small hands is always extra strong.

Holds his heart tightly.


Ji Anning took a taxi around many places, but found that she had lived in Haicheng for more than ten years, and there was no place to shelter from the wind.

When she used to be in a bad mood, Yang Danning always drove her to a beach park not far from Ji's home to blow the air, and then Yang Danning would spit out Lin Yanqin's mother and daughter in her ears.

Dan Ning at that time was straightforward, but he was really good to her and always tried his best to make her happy.

Now everything is wrong.

This is a choice she made. When love and friendship can only choose the same, she chose love and gave up friendship.

But she doesn't regret it. She thinks that everyone is selfish in front of love. From now on, she would rather be selfish to others than to others.

With a cold wind blowing for an hour or two on the beach, Ji Anning found a homestay nearby to stay.

I only went to bed at three or four in the morning. I don’t know how long I slept. Anyway, when I woke up, the sun was already high.

She got out of bed, walked to the window, and opened the curtains. What caught her eyes was the endless sea, which suddenly broadened her vision.

Feeling very comfortable, she raised her hand and stretched out comfortably.

As she narrowed her eyes, there were people fishing along the coast of the park, and many children were playing. She immediately thought of them.

Turning around, digging out his mobile phone in his bag, dialed Ji Chicheng's number.

But no one answered, she played several times in a row, all the same.

"Cut, stingy."

Ji Anning pouted and vomited, and did not continue to fight.

She was still wearing yesterday's clothes, a military-green coat, and a mask. She entered the park. The children in twos and threes were taken by the elderly, laughing and playing.

Some are about the same size as one after another, wearing colorful floral clothes.

Ji Anning sat on the coastal guardrail and looked at the group of little guys. Their eyes were as clear and bright as they were, but they were so steady when they ran.

When will she be the same?

Thinking of her eyes, Ji Anning's thoughts became melancholy, her expression a little sluggish.

"Brother Qing, give us the ball quickly."

"Come and grab it."

Ji Anning only knew the noise around her was constant, but she didn't pay attention.

Suddenly, something rolled in front of her and was blocked by her toes, interrupting her thoughts. She looked down at a football.

Just about to look up for the owner of this football, a childish voice suddenly shouted at her: "Sister, please give us the ball, OK?"

Ji Anning raised her head and looked over, and saw that three or five were still standing six or seven meters away, with a pair of eyes looking at her.

There was a tall figure standing among them, and after a glance, she was about to lift her foot to kick the ball, then suddenly raised her head to look at the man standing in the middle of the child.