So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 621: Bright Sword Against Birth Mother (3)

After all, it has passed, as long as Ji Jingfeng doesn't mess with her anymore.

Otherwise, she will not be merciless as she did to Lin Yanqin today.

"An Ning, you have been in Ji's all these years, and your mother has always treated you as your own daughter."

Yang Yufang explained it painfully for herself. As she talked, tears came out, and her tone choked up, "At that time, you were taken away, and I regretted it, but it was too late. Get it back to me."

What else she was talking about, Ji Anning opened her mouth again and interrupted her, "If you really want to feel sorry for me, then help me keep this secret forever. The only compensation I want from you is yours. Guarantee."

"An Ning, your grandfather said, as long as you are with Jing Feng, the Ji family will belong to us in the future." Yang Yufang excitedly Anway and Ji Anning.

"You are still having this kind of dream, wake up." Ji Anning sneered, "Are you a fool when you are a father? Give the Ji family to someone who has no blood relationship with you? Then why not be born. The daughter of the famous Lin Yanqin?"

Yang Yufang was speechless when she asked.

In fact, this is what a normal brain can think of. How can a grandson who is a fake grandson inherit the big industry of Ji's family like the old man who prefers sons and wants face.

For a while, she sneered, "But if your uncle is in charge, is there a place for us to live? You are related to him, and you can't be together."

Ji Anning looked at Yang Yufang and sighed in her heart.

Her ambition to get the entire Ji family hasn't received yet, she's still dreaming.

It's ridiculous.

She said: "Just help me keep this secret. Even if I can't be with him, this secret will remain a secret. Otherwise, Ji Jingfeng, who is a big hand, will die miserably."

Upon hearing this, Yang Yufang's face changed.

Ji Anning glanced at her coldly, did not speak any more, and walked past her, raising his foot.


Leaving the garden island, to the sea market, it is early morning.

In the luxurious and high-end community, Ji Anning was blocked at the gate of the community. She wandered back and forth in front of the electronic walkie-talkie, but finally did not press her familiar door number.

Turn around and leave.

"she left."

Not far away under the big tree, in the black car, the man in the driver's seat followed Ji Anning's leaving figure, holding a mobile phone in his hand, and starting the car while talking on the phone.

"Continue to follow."

The man stood tall in front of the window and gave an order to the person who was talking on the phone, and he hung up.

There were a few small downlights in the living room, and the dim light made his figure extremely slender.

‘Miss Anning seemed to be very cautious and defensive. She didn’t say a word when she entered the door. She called the second lady into the room. I couldn’t hear what they said outside. ’

Ji Anning, what is it that binds you?

"Daddy, want Mommy."

The people who were asleep suddenly woke up, and ran out of the room barefoot, looking at Ji Chicheng with a narrow mouth, tears in his eyes.

The little girl still had the shadow of being suddenly carried away by a stranger at the airport, her eyes were still a little timid at the moment.

Ji Chicheng quickly put away all his thoughts, strode over, hugged them one after another, kissed her forehead tenderly, and coaxed: "I can see Mommy tomorrow, so I can sleep peacefully."