So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 618: Return to Ji's house to tear up a forced battle (4)

The vigor at that moment was unstoppable.

Ji Anning reacted and raised his hand, pinching Lin Yanqin's neck, gritted his teeth.

"Miss Anning, second lady, don't fight anymore."

Sister Wu yelled anxiously on the side, trying to step forward, but the fighting was too fierce, and she was afraid of being hit.

"Uncle, you don't need to do it."

Ji Chicheng was about to stretch out his hand to open Lin Yanqin, but Ji Anning refused to let him help. As she tore with Lin Yanqin, she said: "I just happened to be outraged by them overly and secretly in those years."

After she entered the show business circle, for the sake of figure, long-term exercise, the strength is naturally greater than that of Lin Yanqin, who is almost half a hundred years old.

Lin Yanqin was pinched by her neck, and she soon lost strength.

When Ji Anning saw that it was almost done, she stopped, and pushed Lin Yanqin back hard, and then she stared at her: "I don't even bother with anything from the Ji family. Don't make things like the whole world is Ji family. A family is rich."

Lin Yanqin knew this situation and she would definitely suffer from the use of force, so she opened her voice and attacked Ji Anning in words, "Yes, knowing that you have Qi Helian's thigh now, you think you gave birth to the Qi family, and they will take it. Are you a **** who was swept out by our house and ruined by the director?"

Even Wu's wife couldn't listen to this scolding, and she shook her head.

Ji Chicheng stood aside, his face pale, but seeing Ji Anning seemed to be torn, so he was calm.

Ji Anning didn't care about Lin Yanqin's scolding of her. She looked at Lin Yanqin with disdain, and the corners of her mouth raised a touch of complacency. "It turns out that I grew up, both in terms of grades in school and ranking in school. Above your daughter, you also let your daughter go out fishing for a Qi Helian to show me."

What I've been holding back in my heart to vomit, I finally said it today, which is really great.

From childhood to adulthood, the two of them, mother and daughter, threatened her as soon as the exam came, not letting her take the high score, she rebelled against them, and they tricked her secretly.

Lin Yanqin was speechless by Ji Anning's words, and her face was even uglier than pig liver. After a while, she sneered and said: "Ji Anning, I really looked down on you before."

The corner of Ji Anning's mouth wickedly raised, "It's not that you underestimated me, it's that my acting skills are so good."

"Sure enough, it's Yang Yufang's little **** raised by a cheap embryo. You really got her true story."

Lin Yanqin scolded and yanked Yang Yufang out again.

Ji Anning's face changed.

‘Sure enough, it’s Yang Yufang's little **** raised by a scumbag. You really got her true story...’

Lin Yanqin's words echoed in her ears, and she took a step back in a daze.

When Sister Wu saw this, she thought she couldn't stand the scolding by Lin Yanqin. Her old man stepped forward and cautiously said to Lin Yanqing: "Second Madam, the sweet soup you want has already been cooked, and it's in the restaurant."

"Wu Sister-in-law, what are you doing? Did you abduct your elbow?" Lin Yanqin had not finished venting her anger, and pointed the finger at Wu Sister-in-law, "Don't you know that Ji Anning is not a member of the Ji family anymore? Don't come up and help me?"

Sister Wu was questioned speechless.

She said: "The master should be back soon, and I am also thinking for the second wife and Miss Anning."

The reason for bringing Ji Anning is to balance Lin Yanqin's heart.